Essay, 5 pages (1100 words)


The world is fast becoming a borderless place. Cultures, races, beliefs and ideologies are blend together and interact because of the growing advances in communications. In order to succeed in this world, one needs to be able to adapt to the various cultural differences as well as be able to maintain a certain sense of individual identity. I also realize however that this is not enough to enable me to become successful in this world. To be successful, one must not only have a good understanding of the world today but must also have a specialization. I am not a greedy or selfish person.

I am driven, straightforward and ambitious. I know what I want to be in life and I know how to get what I want. I too have come to love consumerist America and all the creature comforts that it promises to those who can afford them. While I have no intention of becoming a Donald Trump, I do wish for a comfortable life for myself and my family. To be able to provide for my family and to ensure that my children will also have the same opportunities to succeed in life as I have by getting a good education at not only the college level but a Masters degree as well in their chosen professions.

I am also a natural leader and believe that my talents should be utilized in making a difference in the community. My work at the Swann Center, which is a center for mentally handicapped kids and my volunteer work at the Carle Hospital in the Emergency Room has also given me a fresh perspective in life. As I mentioned earlier, I am an ambitious person but I also mentioned that I am not selfish and I believe that everyone deserves a chance to follow their dreams as well. I also have a strong desire to learn and personally believe that there is no such thing as knowing too much or studying too much.

This is why, despite that fact that I already possess an undergraduate degree in economics; I am also applying for a masters program in economics. I have taken extremely difficult economics classes during my undergraduate studies such as econometrics and public finance but have proudly maintained a 3. 87 cumulative GPA average. Through out my college career I have consistently excelled at economics, academics and have gotten the respect of not only my peers (I Am a member of the Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society) but members of faculty as well for the outstanding projects that I have completed and my overall performance in college.

My professional life has, in my humble opinion, been successful as well. I have further developed the economic skills that I learned in college and applied what knowledge I have at my work at Mercer Consulting, which is a top 5 consulting firm. During my work at Mercer Consulting, I analyzed statistics pertaining to health benefits and came up with strategies (models) to help determine which solution would provide the most optimal benefit at the lowest cost.

On a personal note I must admit that this was a pretty challenging task for me because it was my first time to see economic models in the real world but over time I was able to get grasp these concepts and understand them. I also came to realize that there is still so much that I can learn about economics and that is one of the reasons why I have decided to pursue a master’s degree in Economics at your prestigious school. I have also had a lot of experience working with other economists as I have worked with Nobel prize winner in projects that were sponsored and organized by an organization which I founded, ‘ Prospective Students of Medicine’.

This, I admit was a very enlightening experience, as it showed me just how these brilliant minds works and perceive the world. My goal in pursuing a master’s degree in economics also has a lot to do with my interest in the subject matter, economics. I have always been interested in Economics because of its character of being extremely dynamic and the fact that it allows me to apply the models that I have helped conjecture. There is no same feeling of pride that I can get from any other work than the feeling of pride and joy that I feel after walking away from my work with a sense of accomplishment (i. . my internship experience at Mercer), knowing that I have done something that not a lot of people can do and that I have made a difference. My main interest in Economics lies in the field of macroeconomics and the principles that are involved. Macroeconomics has a way of showing how different policies are intertwined; such has policies in Healthcare regarding retirement benefits to how the world’s interest rate plays a role in our daily banking activities.

Personally, I think that my interest in the field of macroeconomics has to do with my experience in medical research. My ability to come up with different experiments to achieve the desired outcome is quite similar to the manner by which an economist might act when they tweak a model to give a better forecast for the future Upon receiving my masters I want to be involved in the corporate world and help in recommending and implementing policies or changes based on the core economic principles.

I am highly interested in pursuing a career in the fields of Healthcare, Consulting, or Banking. Being involved in the graduate program will allow me to gain a technical understanding of why economic policies are suggested and also give me insight into the major problems such as those that will be facing the world from Oil production to the impact of the expenditures in War on world economies. Last but not least, I want to be able to fuse my economic background in a healthcare field because Medicare and Healthcare are one of the largest problems facing Americans

While I personally believe that “ there is no such thing as a free lunch” and that everything a person has in life must come from hard work and perseverance, I also believe in charity. I believe in helping others who do not have much in life. I believe in helping people regardless of their nation, race or creed. I believe in being a better person so I can best help myself and others around me. I believe that (chosen University) is the best place for me to turn these beliefs into realities.

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AssignBuster. (2022) 'Economics'. 17 January.


AssignBuster. (2022, January 17). Economics. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/economics-essay-samples-10/


AssignBuster. 2022. "Economics." January 17, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/economics-essay-samples-10/.

1. AssignBuster. "Economics." January 17, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/economics-essay-samples-10/.


AssignBuster. "Economics." January 17, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/economics-essay-samples-10/.

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"Economics." AssignBuster, 17 Jan. 2022, assignbuster.com/economics-essay-samples-10/.

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