Essay, 3 pages (650 words)

Discuss your academic interest and career goals and describe your view on how our college can facilitate your success

INTRODUCTION I am happy to address my deep desire to join Salem Bridgewater I havebeen a close follower of the developments and activities that have been happening lately pertaining to this university which makes me want to join your institution. I believe I have all the necessary requirements needed from anyone with an interest in joining you. I believe I will be quite at home at your institution of higher learning and that I will be a positive tool towards making the university more of a success story.
I am honored to tell you about my personal profile so that my ambitions can be well understood. I am a senior student at Blackstone Valley Tech. pursuing Health services. I am a cross country runner and appreciate the importance of health and physical fitness so I frequent the gym. I enjoy working with the needy and this has found me working at three nursing homes where I took care of the elderly. I know that health is a basic need in life. I therefore enjoy helping people in my environment improve their awareness of importance of health. I get lots of my inspiration form my mother who happens to be a cardiac nurse.
I intend to pursue a career in Athletic Training or Sports Medicine. I would like pursue a specialty in the field of health which would lead me to the above career. This may include; Athletic training, nursing (occupational therapy), physical therapy or sports medicine. I intend to pursue this course at least up to master’s level. I am well equipped to take this academic path since I have been learning a lot in regards to health services. This will bring me closer to achieving my long-term career goals.
I would like to be trainer for athletes or a professional in sports medicine. Being a trainer for athletes would be a great achievement for me. Being a cross country runner, I understand how important athletes need specialized training depending on the kind of sport they are involved in. lack of this could mean contingencies like death, permanent or temporary disability. Proper training highly increases chances of developing athletes into successful individuals in the society. This would be very fulfilling for me since I know most athletes on have talent in sporting which their dependents look upon.
Another career goal that I have is to work with people to improve their health. I understand that health is quite important not only for personal reasons but also for the welfare of the nation at large. A healthy nation has more economic and social capacity to live a happy and economically empowered life. It also reduces the government’s investment in health issues that are avoidable by it investing in training more people in this field. There is an unsatisfied demand for professionals in health and medical fields.
Your college has the above disciplines that I intend to pursue. You rank well among American universities. It is well equipped with the resources needed by anyone with academic and career goals like me. It is clear from your website that your institution has excellent programs that encourage health and fitness. You have invested in nurturing sports among students. Being a cross country runner, I will definitely join your team. Your institution also has a good learning environment with a good student-teacher ratio and a homely premise with vast teaching resources. Your alumni list is also very promising and I intend to be a high performer among future alumni. This are among the few reasons I would like to join you institution
Works Cited
Bridgewater State University. Bridgewater State University Website. Retrieved on 27th October
2011. http://www. bridgew. edu
Salem State University. Salem State University Website. Retrieved on 27th October 2011.
http://www. salemstate. edu

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Discuss your academic interest and career goals and describe your view on how our college can facilitate your success. Page 1
Discuss your academic interest and career goals and describe your view on how our college can facilitate your success. Page 2
Discuss your academic interest and career goals and describe your view on how our college can facilitate your success. Page 3
Discuss your academic interest and career goals and describe your view on how our college can facilitate your success. Page 4

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AssignBuster. (2022) 'Discuss your academic interest and career goals and describe your view on how our college can facilitate your success'. 31 August.


AssignBuster. (2022, August 31). Discuss your academic interest and career goals and describe your view on how our college can facilitate your success. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/discuss-your-academic-interest-and-career-goals-and-describe-your-view-on-how-our-college-can-facilitate-your-success/


AssignBuster. 2022. "Discuss your academic interest and career goals and describe your view on how our college can facilitate your success." August 31, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/discuss-your-academic-interest-and-career-goals-and-describe-your-view-on-how-our-college-can-facilitate-your-success/.

1. AssignBuster. "Discuss your academic interest and career goals and describe your view on how our college can facilitate your success." August 31, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/discuss-your-academic-interest-and-career-goals-and-describe-your-view-on-how-our-college-can-facilitate-your-success/.


AssignBuster. "Discuss your academic interest and career goals and describe your view on how our college can facilitate your success." August 31, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/discuss-your-academic-interest-and-career-goals-and-describe-your-view-on-how-our-college-can-facilitate-your-success/.

Work Cited

"Discuss your academic interest and career goals and describe your view on how our college can facilitate your success." AssignBuster, 31 Aug. 2022, assignbuster.com/discuss-your-academic-interest-and-career-goals-and-describe-your-view-on-how-our-college-can-facilitate-your-success/.

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