Essay, 5 pages (1100 words)

Decision-making technique

In every attempt on finding a certain solution to a certain problem the first step which necessitates the rest of your action would be finding what the problem is. (Russell, 1979; Zeidner, 1987)In this particular situation what I was asked to do was to propose a solution on how our company could establish a greater presence on Kava. First and foremost Kava is actually a home for people with very diverse culture, thus making the problem more complicated.

For one, if our company is situated on a place where the cultures of people are not so diverse then the problem would be easier to solve since there would only be only one class of people we need to get along with. However, such is not the case with Kava and since the boss would not have it otherwise, then we are to accept the fact and live with it that Kava would be a major part of our company. Secondly, another problem arose from the fact that Kava is a place wherein a lot of disasters could take place.

Thus, in order to better adapt to the situation and also, in order to better relate to the problem I first need to adapt an optimistic attitude as well as to try to get along with the variety of people living in Kava. In the process of making decisions I ought to ask myself what ought I to do when faced with a particular situation. (Halpern, 2003). Certainly there would be a series of alternatives one could adapt to solve a particular problem. With my problem regarding Kava, I would have to start with getting myself a new journal and put there in BOLD letters what the problem is.

After stating the problem, which is to better establish our company in Kava, I would then move on to list down various tactics or solutions which may be able to solve the problem. Since moving our company away from Kava is no longer one of the solutions then I would have to cross it out from the proposed solutions. With this Kava problem I have to set my goal straight which is another significant step in making decisions. (Russell, 1979; Zeidner, 1987). In order to better establish our company in Kava I would have to take into consideration the variety of people living there.

Our company ought to know what they like and what they do not like. We also need to take into consideration what people living there aspire for, what motivates them, and the like. Since Kava is a place wherein diversity thrives our company would have to find a common denominator wherein everyone could meet in the middle. But before deciding this and also after a series of some brainstorming I have also identified as one of the problems the fact that the place is rather messy.

If we are to establish something we have to start right and by starting right we have to start within ourselves before we engulf people outside our perimeters. Thus, in order to better establish our company in Kava we need a place wherein working conditions would be good because who would really want to work in a company who looks like it was hit by a typhoon everyday. In this regard, the people in-charge in the human resources ought to arrange some rules which relates to cleanliness of the work area.

The people of Kava are the ones we really ought to please because they could affect our companies in certain ways than any natural disaster could. Thus maintaining a clean working area and making sure that our company lives no room for mess we could then ensure people living there that our company could not really harm Kava in any environmental way (for one, people getting sick due to pollution and the like). In this regard we would have no people complaining about how messy our place is, how awful our company smells like, and the like.

Another factor which could help in establishing our company would be by making sure that our company operates in a humane level. Our HR’s should make sure that the working conditions are good, that we are not seeing our employees based on their utility per se, that we give good benefits, that we are environmentally concerned, that we are concerned with our employees, and the like. If our company would be able to include all the areas I mentioned above on their priority then I am very sure that we are already more than halfway to solving our problem.

Because ensuring that the above conditions are met we could then go on to employ people living in Kava. I strongly believe that having their own people working on our company could help solidify our company because if they see the benefits, and the good things which came from our company (i. e. we provide employment for the people living there, we are not exploiting our workers in any way, and the like) then I am sure that even their government would support our business establishment there especially if we would always abide by the law and follow the rules and regulations they have set for us.

Lastly we need to work with the series of threats we could find in Kava. A series of regular examination on employees would ensure that all employees are healthy and that they are not HIV positive and the like. In order to prepare for natural phenomenon we should just have to learn of practicing safety measures on our company to prevent fire. As for the other natural disaster to which we could do nothing about we should just learn to play it safe all the time. For one we should learn to adjust to the situation.

An example of this would be keeping duplicate records of important data and sending them to another branch we have aside from Kava, we could also play it safe by buying things which are cheaper yet with almost the same quality level as expensive ones so that when they are taken away by some natural disasters the loses would be very minimal, and the like. To conclude, we could solve almost any problem in particular by applying a good decision technique. Weighing the pros and cons of an action would also be nice.

We should also learn to adapt to certain conditions by making inquiries on a particular field of interest or on learning to cope with the environment and with the people living within our particular field of study or interest (here being our interest in solidifying our presence in Kava). Having identified the important factors which could help us on our decisions we could then go on to crossing out other alternatives and selecting the one which could better serve our purposes.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Decision-making technique'. 14 November.


AssignBuster. (2021, November 14). Decision-making technique. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/decision-making-technique/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Decision-making technique." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/decision-making-technique/.

1. AssignBuster. "Decision-making technique." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/decision-making-technique/.


AssignBuster. "Decision-making technique." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/decision-making-technique/.

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"Decision-making technique." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/decision-making-technique/.

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