Essay, 3 pages (600 words)

Critical evaluation of the article "assorted variety management: an organizational culture audit to decide individual differences"


Writing a basic audit of a journal article can enhance your exploration skills. For this audit, the article chosed is by Ophillia Ledimo Professor at the University of South Africa in South Africa. Educator Ledimo article “ Assorted variety Management: An Organizational Culture Audit to decide individual differences” published by “ The Journal of Applied Business Research” on October 2015.

The focal motivation behind the investigation was to inspect how singular contrasts impacted the representative view of the authoritative culture. The investigation was led utilizing a quantitative report poll, which study procedure was utilized to gather essential information from haphazardly chose members. Information gathered was translated by utilizing charts; the diagrams were then part into various socioeconomics that included race, age, training, and occupation level. Area A contained organic inquiries, which estimated singular contrasts as autonomous factors. Segment B incorporated the Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI), which was utilized to gauge the reliant factors authoritative culture. With the end goal to guarantee information unwavering quality, the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is incorporated into table 1.

The creator could test the theory “ There are statically noteworthy individual contrasts in regards to the participants’ perception of the authoritative culture” utilizing the information gathered incorporated into tables 2-7. According to the article the reason articulation “ To decide singular contrasts that impact representatives’ impression of their authoritative culture in the South African armed force”. The reason articulation was inline with the speculation and focal motivation behind the investigation. The title of the article was clear and succinct with the examination gathered. All data included drove intelligibly to the motivation behind the study.


Methods used to gather information could be said to be one-sided, one could contend that by utilizing just a single association (South African Army) the information does not represent the “ entire” South African area. This examination could put restrictions on the group of outlookers view of representatives and decent variety in the work environment. A table ought to act naturally logical, with a title that precisely and briefly portrays substance and section headings that precisely depict data in the cells. Examination of the information displayed – precisely demonstrates a title, legend, heading sorted out. I not the slightest bit can precisely read the data by just survey the charts. The data was not displayed in a succinct or self – illustrative way. Discussion The exchange area translates and condenses the information results. The information synopsis is succinct and through. As I communicated in the before point, imperfections with this examination incorporate utilizing as it were one association to test the speculation. Ledimo, 2015 proceeds to express that by “ utilizing takes an interest from one association confines the age of this discoveries to different settings”. This implies the article will give the crowd an unmistakable perspective of the issues in the workforce. The creator proceeds to include that for future research different researchers ought to think about utilizing a longitudinal outline, this plan would contemplate similar people over a particular period of time. It would likewise be significant as far as future research to direct a comparative report in another association setting.


In the end the article was extremely thorough and elegantly composed, the writer focal reason and data gathered precisely depict the articles hypotheses. The article could have achieved a greater stage if the writer would have extended the study members. By doing this creator constrained the data that could be utilized for future researchers. Effective research prompts new inquiries or new uses of existing information, the writer article urges future researchers to develop her underlying exploration by utilizing distinctive techniques for information gathering. Diagrams ought to be exhibited in a way that can be effectively understood. The information displayed was confounding and at first glace required excessive time to comprehend charts. I do concur with the data that the creator exhibited, her exploration was great and compact.

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AssignBuster. (2022) 'Critical evaluation of the article "assorted variety management: an organizational culture audit to decide individual differences"'. 26 May.


AssignBuster. (2022, May 26). Critical evaluation of the article "assorted variety management: an organizational culture audit to decide individual differences". Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/critical-evaluation-of-the-article-assorted-variety-management-an-organizational-culture-audit-to-decide-individual-differences/


AssignBuster. 2022. "Critical evaluation of the article "assorted variety management: an organizational culture audit to decide individual differences"." May 26, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/critical-evaluation-of-the-article-assorted-variety-management-an-organizational-culture-audit-to-decide-individual-differences/.

1. AssignBuster. "Critical evaluation of the article "assorted variety management: an organizational culture audit to decide individual differences"." May 26, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/critical-evaluation-of-the-article-assorted-variety-management-an-organizational-culture-audit-to-decide-individual-differences/.


AssignBuster. "Critical evaluation of the article "assorted variety management: an organizational culture audit to decide individual differences"." May 26, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/critical-evaluation-of-the-article-assorted-variety-management-an-organizational-culture-audit-to-decide-individual-differences/.

Work Cited

"Critical evaluation of the article "assorted variety management: an organizational culture audit to decide individual differences"." AssignBuster, 26 May 2022, assignbuster.com/critical-evaluation-of-the-article-assorted-variety-management-an-organizational-culture-audit-to-decide-individual-differences/.

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