Essay, 2 pages (250 words)

Contrast three works of da vinci with three of michelangelo

Contrast three works of da Vinci with three of Michelangelo Maxine Houston ART101: Art Appreciation (ACH1248A) Instructor: Linda King January 14th, 2013 Two people can see the same event and then when they speak on it or create a picture their minds somehow come up with different point of views. I am going to talk to you about the works of both da Vinci and Michelangelo. Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 in Vinci, Tuscany, during a time called the Renaissance. Leonardo Da Vinci is known as “ the renaissance man” because of his achievements in art, invention, military engineering, and science (Gelb 40). In Leonardo’s Last Supper, you can see that Christ is in the middle somewhat isolated from the disciples with his hands reaching out. In this painting, the halo is being represented as a diffused light. The disciples are in groups of three looking at each other as though they are trying to figure out which one of them is planning to betray Jesus. In contrast to lifelike responses of the news; Jesus is quiet but the light of the landscape surrounding him emphasizes his suffering (167-168). Da Vinci’s famous painting “ Mona Lisa” is known for its lifelike qualities. She has a delicate smile of perfection, somnolent eyes, calm hands, and the absence of facial hair adds to mysterious abstract quality of her face. “ Mona Lisa’s well calculated composition and more importantly her enigmatic smile has led to its wide reproduction (Potter 1308-1309). Leonardo had mixed oil and tempera, applying much of it a secco (to dried, rather than wet, plaster) in order to create a mural that more closely approximated oil painting on canvas or wood instead of fresco. ” (Kleiner, 2010).

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Contrast three works of da vinci with three of michelangelo'. 13 November.


AssignBuster. (2021, November 13). Contrast three works of da vinci with three of michelangelo. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/contrast-three-works-of-da-vinci-with-three-of-michelangelo/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Contrast three works of da vinci with three of michelangelo." November 13, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/contrast-three-works-of-da-vinci-with-three-of-michelangelo/.

1. AssignBuster. "Contrast three works of da vinci with three of michelangelo." November 13, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/contrast-three-works-of-da-vinci-with-three-of-michelangelo/.


AssignBuster. "Contrast three works of da vinci with three of michelangelo." November 13, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/contrast-three-works-of-da-vinci-with-three-of-michelangelo/.

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"Contrast three works of da vinci with three of michelangelo." AssignBuster, 13 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/contrast-three-works-of-da-vinci-with-three-of-michelangelo/.

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