Review, 3 pages (600 words)

Concert review

Celtic Women The Celtic Women concert is an unforgettable experience. Four women singers and one fiddler treat the audience to an amazing emotionalconcert. From the music to the presentation, the concert is an awesome Celtic production. Although I have read bad reviews by critics and been warned by friends that the Celtic Women were not as good live, I found the concert to be exceptional.
The Celtic Women was conceived and arranged by David Downes. An Irish musician, David Downes also conducts the Celtic Women concert performances. Other than the four vocalists and one fiddler, a chorus and large orchestra are also intertwined into the concert flawlessly. The combination of these four elements allow for a truly powerful musical connection with the audience. The Celtic Women sung a Capella, with the added orchestra and percussion section beautifully.
Some critics have criticized the Celtic Women for using prerecorded music for some of the orchestra. I personally could not tell a difference. The orchestra preforming on the albums is large. It would be impossible to make an orchestra that large to tour on a busy schedule like the Celtic Women have. The live orchestra preformed flawlessly. The prerecorded music did not detract from the overall show.
The two songs I enjoyed the most were “ Danny Boy” and “ Somewhere Over the Rainbow”. These two songs were my favorites, because I have heard them a million times. From high school performances of “ Danny Boy” to Judy Garlands rendition of “ Somewhere Over the Rainbow”, I have heard these two songs in a variety of ways. The Celtic Womens performance of these numbers have to the best I have ever heard. The soul wrenching emotion placed into each song made me feel true sorrow and hope. One does not just listen to the Celtic Womens music, but feels it as well.
The atmosphere of the Celtic Womens concert was also magical. Lights were raised and lowered flatteringly on the Celtic Women, chorus, and orchestra. The costumes of long flowing dresses gave the women an appearance of floating on air. The fiddlers costume was the most amazing, although like the other Celtic Women, this dress allowed her to dance and fiddle at the same time. The effect was like a fairy dancing across the stage. Smoke surrounded the orchestra, giving off a misty Celtic feel. The whole event was magical.
Many critics have argued that the Celtic Women are not authentically Celtic, since they play modern songs like “ Somewhere Over the Rainbow” or even songs with Christian overtones. However I got the impression of todays Ireland through the Celtic Womens music. It is not just Celtic of the past, but of the present and future. All of the songs were presented in a very Celtic way, even if their music has been influenced by other cultures. I do not think the authenticity effect my enjoyment of the concert.
I think the reason I enjoyed the Celtic Women so much is twofold. First, I went with an open mind. I did not go expecting a Riverdance, an authentic Celtic show, or thinking about bad reviews. The Celtic Women concert was a musical experience for me. Secondly, the Celtic Women are good vocalists aside from their dancing and choreographed moves. The music was good and soulful.
If I were to make a recommendation about the Celtic Women, it would depend on the person I was advising. I would advise an individual who loved music to go. For someone looking for true Celtic origins, I would advise not to go. I liked the Celtic Women concert.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Concert review'. 23 December.


AssignBuster. (2021, December 23). Concert review. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/concert-review-review-paper-samples/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Concert review." December 23, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/concert-review-review-paper-samples/.

1. AssignBuster. "Concert review." December 23, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/concert-review-review-paper-samples/.


AssignBuster. "Concert review." December 23, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/concert-review-review-paper-samples/.

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"Concert review." AssignBuster, 23 Dec. 2021, assignbuster.com/concert-review-review-paper-samples/.

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