Essay, 4 pages (900 words)

Chris reina essay

Personal Vision PaperName: __________________

MGT 300
Paragraph on strength
. From the results, I scored highly in my assessment on organizational change and innovation (adaptability) hence this is the area that I consider to be my strength. This is a very important area in my competency and it really can promote my success in life. I would really want to improve in this area in order to earn respect because this is an area that if I focus on will enhance my future success and influence.

Paragraph on weaknesses

Strength 1: Organizational change and innovation-adaptability
My scores in this area being high means that I have the ability to adapt to new ways of doing things
– How will this strength impact you at ASU (3 pts)
This strength will enable me to be very flexible at ASU, an attribute that will improve my performance in coming up with new things. Secondly, my high adaptability will lead to a possibility of overcoming fear of the unknown due to the presence of courage to try new things. Lastly, high adaptability as a strength will improve my productivity at ASU because with the use of my innovation skills, I will not just take ideas in their face value but will improve on them in order to explore the advanced side of the same.
– How will this strength impact your ability to gain a job upon graduation (3 pts)
– Upon graduation, high adaptability will increase my chances on landing on a job and the impact of this strength cannot be underestimated since most employers value the high adaptability nature of their employees.
– How will this strength impact your ability to exceed expectations in a future job (3 pts)
In terms of exceeding expectations of future jobs, this strength will impact positively in that I will able to have a diversity in terms of areas of job understanding and ability to multi task.
– List and discuss 3 behaviors to specifically improve this strength (3 pts)

Develop resilience, improve on my self-discipline and embrace hard work

Weakness 1: Low Self-esteem
• How will this weakness impact you at ASU (3 pts)
At ASU, low self-esteem will mean a relatively low ability to socialize with people and also a problem in expressing myself and hence I will keep some ideas which when spoken out can lead to an improvement of my welfare at ASU.

• How will this weakness impact your ability to gain a job upon graduation (3 pts)

Upon graduation, a low self-esteem is an attribute that is so unproductive. Employees need people who have the courage to express themselves and to explore new production methods. A low self-esteem means inability to explore much and thus a limited scope in terms of ideas acquired through sharing with people.

• How will this weakness impact your ability to exceed expectations in a future job (3 pts)

Exceeding expectations in one’s future jobs needs a person to be outgoing and the ability to express oneself without fear. A low self-esteem will mean that my ability to exceed such future job expectations will be limited.

• List and discuss 3 behaviors to specifically improve this weakness (3 pts)

Attend more group discussions and participate actively.
Have discussions with my professors in order to uplift my consultation skills
Be on the fore front in terms of making presentations in front of large audiences in order to also boost my courage.

Weakness 2: Decision making

• How will this weakness impact you at ASU (3 pts)
At ASU, my only conceptual decision making skills will lead to making poor decisions when it comes to areas that are not conceptual like analytical areas as well as directive style areas. This definitely means that the weakness will impact negatively on me.

• How will this weakness impact your ability to gain a job upon graduation (3 pts)

Upon graduation, a poor decision making ability like this will lead to lower chances of getting a job since employers prefer hiring people with a relatively higher decision making ability than mine. Poor decision making skills will also prove problematic in getting a starting job.

• How will this weakness impact your ability to exceed expectations in a future job (3 pts)

My ability to exceed expectations of future jobs will be lowered by this weakness since I may come across situations that need great decision making skills for example decision making on the career path to take. It will also be difficult for me to get along with complex job interviews.

• List and discuss 3 behaviors to specifically improve this weakness (3 pts)

Developing a habit of always trying to solve complex decision making problems.
I will also consult successful people who have made the best decisions in areas where I have had problems.
I will read books on decision making and problem solving in order to alleviate this relatively poor condition.

Final thoughts:

• What have you learned about yourself from taking the assessments? (1 pt)
• What surprised you the most? (1 pt)
I was surprised mostly by my performance in decision making and my high performance on adaptability really excited me because despite the fact that I always embrace different situations and environments, I did not know that I was this good.

• What area are you most excited to work on and why? (2 pts)

I am really excited to work on my decision making skills because this is a critical area for any person looking forward to getting employed in an institution where decision making is key.

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AssignBuster. 2021. "Chris reina essay." November 16, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/chris-reina-essay/.

1. AssignBuster. "Chris reina essay." November 16, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/chris-reina-essay/.


AssignBuster. "Chris reina essay." November 16, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/chris-reina-essay/.

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"Chris reina essay." AssignBuster, 16 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/chris-reina-essay/.

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