Essay, 2 pages (250 words)

Ch.2 sec.1 completing a job search

Employment agencies, career fairs, and Internet ads can all be sources of _____. D.) Job leadsIf you have easy access to a computer, your job search efforts should be limited to the Internet. FalseThe Internet can be used to: D.) All of the aboveA job search should be treated like a full time job. TrueMore companies are posting job advertisements on industry specific sites, because the applicants are usually more qualified. TrueSchool teachers, counselors, and job placement centers can help you _____. B.) Identify job leads and set up interviewsWhich of the following is an Internet job search ” do”? B.) Pay attention to all directions before responding to job postingsIf you are interested in working for a specific company, what type of job site should you look at for opening? C.) Company siteWho pays fees to private employment agencies? C.) Both employers and applicantsApproximately 80% of all job openings are part of the hidden job market. TrueThe first step you should take when organizing your job search is to: C.) Compile your list of prospectsMonica is interested in changing careers, and she needs to find a job Web site that lists careers from all industries. What type of job site would you recommend for her? A.) General job siteClassified ads in newspapers_____. C.) Only lead to jobs for a small percentage of job seekersWhich of the following advertisements is most likely a legitimate job advertisement? B.) An advertisement that seeks candidates with specific skills and requests a resumeWhich of the following is an Internet job search ” don’t”? B.) Apply for jobs that you are not qualified forTemporary employment that can become permanent employment after a period of evaluation by the employer defines _____. C.) Temp-to-hire work ONCH. 2 SEC. 1 COMPLETING A JOB SEARCH SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUFOR ONLY$13. 90/PAGEOrder Now

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Ch.2 sec.1 completing a job search'. 8 December.


AssignBuster. (2021, December 8). Ch.2 sec.1 completing a job search. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/ch2-sec1-completing-a-job-search/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Ch.2 sec.1 completing a job search." December 8, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/ch2-sec1-completing-a-job-search/.

1. AssignBuster. "Ch.2 sec.1 completing a job search." December 8, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/ch2-sec1-completing-a-job-search/.


AssignBuster. "Ch.2 sec.1 completing a job search." December 8, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/ch2-sec1-completing-a-job-search/.

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"Ch.2 sec.1 completing a job search." AssignBuster, 8 Dec. 2021, assignbuster.com/ch2-sec1-completing-a-job-search/.

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