Essay, 6 pages (1300 words)

Cellphones : boon or bane

The largest cell users in the world is china, next comes to India. The market share of Nokia is 52. 8%, followed by 10. 2% LG and 8. 3% Samsung. Alexander Graham Bell introduced telephone to a less developed society. But by the time when cell phones are invented; people are ready to accept any form of development. In a fast moving society such as our’s we cannot spare time Just for walking to friends or for official purposes. Besides this, with the aid of the latest WAP technology users can surf the internet, send emails and chat with other people at a low cost.

It is obvious that the communication has become a lot easier now compared to the pre-mobile phones period. Mobile phones are lessening the pressure of the business and office work too. These days, the latest mobile phones are powered with Microsoft Office application for viewing and editing various types of files including Word, PDF, and Excel etc easing the office and business work (Markley, http://EzineArticles. com, retrieved 30th October, 2007). Moreover, in this modern world of advanced communication loads of business deals are made through mobile phone conferences.

The cellphone is without doubt a technological blessing, but its sounds, the ringing and the talking and the resultant cacophony in public places are turning out to be a source of irritation. The mobile menace is rampant in parks, cinema halls and stadia. Intrusive tunes echo even on hospital premises. While cellphone Jamming equipment is coming into vogue in the advanced countries, how do we ensure some peace and quiet through self-imposed measures? Do we need a course in cellphone etiquette? Or, do we need legal measures to enforce some norms? Self-regulation The number of cellphone users is increasing.

The users are unmindful of the disturbance they cause to the people around them. The best way to ensure peace is through self-regulation by the cellphone users themselves. Use of cellphone in public places such as schools, cinema theatres, Government offices, hospitals and temples Cellphone activity and usage may be a nuisance in certain situations. Advanced technology can make cell phones less intrusive. Ring tones, for instance, could be substituted with customized LCD displays linked to the phones. The LCD displays reduce distraction due to calls while the user is driving a vehicle.

As far as taking care to avoid causing disturbance to the public is concerned, it all depends entirely on an individual and his sense of etiquette and civility. In India, people are quite conscious of their status and they tend to show off. Laws can hardly have any effect on them. Status symbol The craze for the modern gadget arises from a wrongly perceived notion of ‘status’ among the public. Many people feel that their status depends on whether they possess a mobile or not. It is a sense of insecurity as you do not own a cellphone and your neighbour or friend owns one.

Cellphone users need to have a fine sense of etiquette to avoid causing irritation to others while using their phones. If the vibration mode is switched on, the user will be alerted about an incoming call. This reduces the disturbance often caused by the constant ringing of the phone. Cellphone usually tends to ignore the people around when they are busy speaking over the phone. The constant use of slang words irritates people. Youngsters should be more considerate towards others while using cellphone. Mobile phone is not a luxury today. It is a basic amenity for most people.

People should never drive a ehicle, while using a mobile phone. They should park their vehicle by the side of the road and then attend to the call. Even the passengers in vehicles should restrict the use of their phones as phones may distract the driver and lead to accidents. The use of mobile phones should be banned in hospitals. It is learnt that the rays of the cellphone affects the heart and kidneys. Instead of allowing the phone to ring, users should activate the ‘vibrating alert’ mode so that it does not cause a disturbance to others.

Notice boards should also be put up at places where the use of cellphones is estricted or banned. Mobile phones are fast becoming a menace and the nuisance can be controlled in certain ways: Switch off the phones at public places. Driving a vehicle while speaking over the mobile phone should be made legally punishable. Cellphone users should be more self-disciplined. Penalise the drivers Mobile phone users should ensure that the volume of the cellphone is at a low level. They should switch off the phones while in theatres or hospitals. Drivers should be fined and arrested on the spot if they are found using mobile phones while driving.

It s not enough that we own the latest gadgets, but we should also know how to use them without annoying others. Restrict the use The mobile phone is no doubt a blessing but only when its users follow certain etiquette. Boards should be put up to warn the users not to use cellphone in places where silence is of utmost importance such as book stores, libraries and offices. School students should ban students from carrying mobile phones . I would suggest that mobile users be given a manual of etiquette that should be followed. Newspapers and magazines could also carry articles related to mobile phone tiquette.

I feel that mobile phones should be used only when necessary. Allows accessibility Cellphone allows us to be accessible at all times, wherever we are. There is hardly activities depend on mobile phones. In advanced countries, the cellphone companies give instructions and guidelines that their customers can abide while using the handsets in public places. Mandatory laws should be implemented through Government machinery. Cellphone manufacturers and service providers should also be entrusted with the Job of creating awareness among the customers on the need or etiquette while using the phones.

Health hazards It is important that cellphone users have a modicum of discipline. Regulations for the use of mobile phones in public places are a must. Indiscriminate and uncontrolled use of cellphone can lead to acoustic neuroma, tumour of the nerve. Acoustic neuroma is a health hazard that has not been ruled out completely. Manufacturers of phones should inscribe a warning on the handsets to make the users aware of hazards mobile phones can cause. If nothing else works, legal measures should be implemented to prevent the use of cellphones in public places. Police vigil Mobile phones are a boon, but their sound is a curse.

The use of mobile phones inside churches, mosques and temples should be banned. Its use in other public places should be restricted as well. Speaking over mobile phones while driving causes accidents. Even bus and taxi drivers use cellphones while driving vehicles. The police authorities should keep a vigil on users of cell phone. Legal measures should be adopted to regulate the use of cellphones in public places. Educate customers The number of people using cellphones is on the increase. Most of the cellphone sers are uneducated or unaware of the cellphone etiquette.

Now, cellphones are not a status symbol but a public nuisance. High frequency ring tones and the users speaking loudly over the phone in places such as public venues and hospitals can be extremely irritating. Cellphone users should be mindful of the disturbance they cause others while attending to or making calls. In public places, cellphone users should switch off their handsets, change the ring tone to vibrating mode and preferably avoid using Jarring ring tones. Mobile companies can also help educate their customers while giving new connections. Collect a fee

Mobile phones have come to stay as part and parcel of the common man’s life. Disturbance caused by cellphones can be checked by collecting a fee at the entrances of places such as hospitals. The practice of depositing mobile phones at the entrances of temples, hospitals and offices must be introduced as in the case of arms, cameras and dangerous objects. Definitely a pain, but one can live without it. Life without cellphones will be like the burger without the party. We hate them (sometimes), but cannot do without them. Cellphones shall remain a boon if we realize its role in the society and use it sensibly.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Cellphones : boon or bane'. 28 December.


AssignBuster. (2021, December 28). Cellphones : boon or bane. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/cellphones-boon-or-bane/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Cellphones : boon or bane." December 28, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/cellphones-boon-or-bane/.

1. AssignBuster. "Cellphones : boon or bane." December 28, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/cellphones-boon-or-bane/.


AssignBuster. "Cellphones : boon or bane." December 28, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/cellphones-boon-or-bane/.

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"Cellphones : boon or bane." AssignBuster, 28 Dec. 2021, assignbuster.com/cellphones-boon-or-bane/.

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