Case Study, 2 pages (450 words)

Case study on developing teamwork

1. What do you recommend that leadership at Crystal Motors do to enhance teamwork in the service department?

The leadership of Crystal Motors must be clear about their goals and their expectations with regards to their department. They must articulate their objectives and how each of their department will contribute to make this goal a reality. The leadership has to be engaged with the development and better performance of the Service Department. It shall ensure that the members of the service team receive appropriate training in all aspects of their optimum work performance and teamwork.

Aside from support and supervision, the leadership must also constantly communicate with their most important department. It needs to get attuned to what the Service Department needs and what other factors can make them work better and produce good results.

The leadership must also provide the necessary tools and equipment that the Service Department needs to make their work more efficient. They can also think of good motivating factors such as incentives and bonuses to make the Service Department perform better and deliver what is expected.

2. What different contributions might Ventura and Magellan make in enhancing teamwork in the service department?

Ventura and Magellan can help each other to boost their service performance since this is the business segment which makes the most money for their company. Ventura must fully support the Service Department by taking into consideration the things that will make this team work better. He must provide various trainings for this department. While Ventura takes charge in the organization and performance aspects of the Service Department, Magellan must ensure that the team members are equipped and knowledgeable on their job functions. Magellan also needs to ensure that the team works in cohesion and that they cooperate with each other. He can initiate trainings and reinforce its applications in their actual work processes and performance.

3. In what way is a pit crew an effective team?

A pit crew is the best example of an effective team because each of the team’s member has a specific job or function. Each member is set out to do his/her own contributions to help the driver pursue his goal or function.
A pit crew is an effective team because it is united, highly organized and efficient. They render their services or functions to the driver. They are very committed to their driver. They are also very focused on their goal of helping their driver win the race. This exemplifies the drive, commitment and focus each of the team members must demonstrate to make the team successful.
A pit crew is also very effective because they all their parts are pre-staged prior the race. They practice their parts and they perform it perfectly during the race. They also extensively train in all aspects of the job such as changing tires, putting gasoline, repairing engines, etc. They have an open communications in a fast and speedy environment.


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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Case study on developing teamwork'. 14 November.


AssignBuster. (2021, November 14). Case study on developing teamwork. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/case-study-on-developing-teamwork/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Case study on developing teamwork." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/case-study-on-developing-teamwork/.

1. AssignBuster. "Case study on developing teamwork." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/case-study-on-developing-teamwork/.


AssignBuster. "Case study on developing teamwork." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/case-study-on-developing-teamwork/.

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"Case study on developing teamwork." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/case-study-on-developing-teamwork/.

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