Essay, 3 pages (550 words)

Cad summary

CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE Affiliation CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE The disease is also referred to as atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (Shipe, 2012). It is characterized by an obstruction or a constricting of the coronary arteries which are responsible for the transmission of oxygen as well as blood to the heart. The coronary artery disease is exhibited by pains in the chest as well as shortness of breath (Adam, 2015). The discussion that follows is going to give a brief overview of one local prevention program this disease. A variety of scientific research studies indicate that regular bodily activity is significant in promoting the health of people, whether old or young (Karjalainen, 2015).
When a person indulges more in physical activities, there is a recorded reduction in the danger of suffering from the coronary heart disease. Lack of exercise is currently considered to be the leading risk factor for the development of coronary artery disease (WebMD, 2014). It is a powerful risk factor as compared to the other risk factors of this disease for example high blood pressure and smoking. Taking part in regular physical activities ensures that the arteries are frequently kept flexible (Krucik, 2012). This will be reflected in a normal blood pressure and a good flow of the blood to the heart. This therefore means that high blood pressure, which is one of the risk factors of the disease, is kept at bay and the development of the disease becomes difficult.
At Lankenau Heart Institute, they carry out Angioscreen. Angioscreen is a heart and stroke screening program. Under this program a patient receives personal evaluation of their vascular and circulation health. In addition, the patients receive immediate and clear outcomes of Carotid Artery Ultrasound, Ankle Brachial Index, Blood Pressure, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, Peak Systolic Velocity, Body Mass Index, and also Heart Rhythm Electrocardiogram. From the above test results, the local screening program that is entirely tied to the heart and stroke disease is Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm screening. The program tests for the expansion of abdominal aorta. The abdominal aorta is a blood vessel that transports blood to the entire body. When the aneurysm widens and expands, it can easily burst and result to stroke or heart failure. On advance stages it can lead to death. The limitation of such illnesses is that they do not have symptoms, therefore, screening is very important.
Research shows that an increase in the physical inactivity is closely connected to coronary artery disease as well as resulting death (Stahle & Cider, 2011). Epidemiological studies that have considered the effect of the level of physical activity on ailing and dying from coronary artery disease have come to a finding that if the aggregate quantity of energy utilized for physical activity exceeds 4200 kJ, the risk for developing coronary artery disease declines by 40% for women and 20% for men (Josephson & Benito, 2012).
Adam, P. (2015). Exercise’s effect on the heart. The New York Times
Josephson, M. E. & Benito, B. (2012). Ventricular tachycardia in coronary artery disease. Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
Karjalainen, J. J. (2015). Effects of physical activity and exercise training on cardiovascular risk in coronary artery disease patients with and without type 2 diabetes. Epub
Krucik, G. (2012). Can exercise reverse or prevent heart disease? Healthline
Shipe, M. (2012). Exercising with coronary heart disease. America College of Sports Medicine
Stahle, A. & Cider, A. (2011). Coronary artery disease. Sweden: Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
WebMD, (2014). Exercise and the risk of coronary artery disease. Heart Health Center

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AssignBuster. "Cad summary." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/cad-summary-essay-samples/.

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"Cad summary." AssignBuster, 17 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/cad-summary-essay-samples/.

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