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Bioseparation steps to purify endotoxins biology essay

The aim of this study is to suggest a series of bioseparation stairss to sublimate endotoxins introduced by Gram-negative bacteriums in protein synthesis. Feasibility in industrial scale-up is besides a consideration.


Endotoxins have been identified as a disease-causing substance that is a peripheral construction to the membrane of Gram-negative bacteriums It is normally associated with the initiation of febrility, impacting constructions and map at cellular and organic degree, and doing daze in patients with endotoxin exposure. Bacterial endotoxins have been shown to hold strong biological effects even at really low concentrations when introduced into the blood watercourse. The production of human proteins including growing endocrines and interferons, insulin and monoclonal antibodies is frequently achieved through the look of recombinant DNA in Gram-negative bacteriums. Endotoxins introduced into the procedure in this mode is frequently accumulated into high degrees, which is non suited usage in parenteral interventions.

The allowable endotoxin bounds given by the European Pharmacopoeias is set at 5 endotoxin units ( EU ) per kilogram of organic structure weight and hr [ 1 ] . Hence, it is a necessity to take endotoxin remainders, particularly when the intervention involves the usage of larger doses, such as that of monoclonal antibody readyings. Endotoxins are classified as lipopolysaccharides that consist of three chief parts.

The non-polar lipid constituent, called lipoid A, the nucleus oligosaccharide and a heteropolysaccharide ( O-antigen ) . Lipid A, found on the cell inside, is the least varied and toxically active portion of the endotoxin. Most strains have a Lipid A portion dwelling of a i??-1, 6 coupled disaccharide of glucosamine, covalently linked to 3-hydroxy-acyl substituents with 12-16 C atoms through ester and amide bonds. The nucleus oligosaccharide part that is closer to lipid A and the lipoid A itself are partly phosphorylated. [ 2 ] This consequences in endotoxins holding a negative charge in common protein solutions. The O-antigen is made up of a concatenation of reiterating oligosaccharide units of around three to eight monosaccharide units each. The makeup of this concatenation is strain specific. The in-between subdivision of the toxin known as the nucleus oligosaccharide consists of the interior KDO-heptose part and the outer hexose part.

This subdivision is strain specific. Both the O-antigen and the nucleus oligosaccharide are found on the cell ‘ s outside. Despite holding the same general assembly, the make-up of each of the three parts differs for different endotoxins from different bacteriums. For illustration, in the lipoid A portion, the phosphate groups may be substituted with arabinose, ethanolamine. Besides, in the O-antigen, the individual saccharide units may be acetylated, sialylated or glycosylated.

Such changes are in response to changing environmental conditions the bacterium exists in. As such, each endotoxin might hold different belongingss from each other. Therefore, because of such chemical and physical heterogeneousness, there is no general method for remotion of endotoxins from protein solutions.

Materials and Methods


Ultrafitration is a pressure-driven separation technique that is used for the selective remotion of low-molecular-weight substances via permeability-based membranes. It besides has the ability to concentrate solutions through the remotion of H2O during the separation procedure. In general, the chief separation mechanism is sized-based sieving and the drive force arises from the transmembrane force per unit area across the membrane [ 3 ] . Particularly for endotoxins removal, membranes with a molecular weight cut off ( MWCO ) of greater than 100 kDa are employed so as to let the pervasion of mark proteins ( permeate ) while retaining the endotoxins ( retentate ) . One of the disadvantages of ultrafiltration is due to its dependence on the solute belongingss therefore rendering separation hard. In this instance, there may be possibility of partial decomposition of endotoxin sums which leads to the release of the toxic lipid A.

Furthermore, smaller units of endotoxins may besides be present in the solution due to protein dissociation. These may ensue in the pervasion of lipid A or endotoxin monomers through the membrane with the mark proteins, doing ultrafiltration to be uneffective [ 2 ] . Based on the survey conducted by Li and Luo ( 1998 ) , it was found that the add-on of Ca ions, Ca2+ , to the mixture of protein ( hemoglobin ) and endotoxin allows the reaggregation of endotoxin fractional monetary units. An endotoxin decrease from 5 ? g ml-1 to less than 6 pg ml-1 can be achieved with the usage of 300 kDa nominal MWCO membrane. Hence Ca2+ add-on helps to better the endotoxin remotion and separation efficiency of ultrafiltration.

However, the restriction of this method is that it is restricted to proteins that are non adversely affected by presence of high concentrations of Ca2+ [ 4 ] . Sing all the disadvantages mentioned, it can be concluded that ultrafiltration entirely, is non capable of decontaminating the protein solutions through the remotion of endotoxins. Despite this fact, it is still involved in the purification stairss as it does non present foreign constituents during the procedure. This is advantageous as merchandise loss can be greatly minimized when no extra measure is required to divide the mark proteins from the foreign constituents. Furthermore, with ultrafiltration, both decrease in endotoxin content and concentrating consequence can be achieved therefore doing it easier for downstream separation.

This explains why it is frequently applied together with a series of downstream purification stairss before the concluding mark proteins can be obtained [ 5 ] .

Two-Phase Extraction

Two-phase extraction is found to be one of the effectual methods in endotoxins removal through the add-on of wetting agents. The success of separation and purification is dependent on the difference between the physicochemical environments in the micelle-rich stage and micelle-poor stage.

Above the critical micelle concentration ( CMC ) , non-polar interactions between alkyl ironss of lipoid A and the surfactant tail groups cause endotoxins to be engulfed in a micellar-like construction. Formation of a new stage so occurs when temperature is raised above that of the cloud point which consequences in collection of micelles to droplets with low H2O content as shown in Figure.


Figure: Conventional diagram of Triton X-114 micellar solution stage separation [ 6 ]With most of the endotoxins present in the surfactant-rich ( underside ) stage, centrifugation or farther additions in temperature can be applied to divide the two stages. Extraction rhythms can be repeated with the surfactant-poor ( top ) stage several times so as to accomplish the coveted clearance of endotoxins.

Wetting agents of the Triton series such as Triton X-114 and Triton X-100 shows miscibility spread in aqueous solutions. In this instance, Triton X-114 with a low cloud point of 22 & A ; deg ; C is a better pick in protein purification as compared to Triton X-100. This is due to the fact that Triton X-100, which has a cloud point of 75 & A ; deg ; C, may take to possible denaturation and hence loss of activity of mark proteins [ 6 ] .

It was reported by Adam et Al. ( 1995 ) that two-phase extraction can execute better separation as compared to the other separation techniques. In fact, a 100-fold endotoxins decrease can be achieved from exopolysaccharide and plasmid Deoxyribonucleic acid with the usage of Triton X-114. The former consequences in a concluding endotoxins content of 30 EUmg-1 at 50 % loss in bioactivity while the latter ends up with an endotoxins content of 0. 1 EU in 6 ? g DNA. A comparing survey between affinity surface assimilation and two-phase extraction for endotoxins removal from recombinant proteins cardiac troponin I, myoglobin and creatine kinase isoenzymes has been conducted by Liu et Al. ( 1997 ) .

Results showed that stage separation is able to cut down endotoxins content to every bit high as 99 % , far more effectual than affinity surface assimilation. However, there are some drawbacks with the usage of two-phase extraction that must be taken note of. Firstly, 10 to 20 % merchandise loss is inevitable since remotion of surfactant signifier the mark protein by surface assimilation or gel filtration is required. Second, it is a clip devouring procedure as multiple rhythms will be required to obtain coveted endotoxins clearance. Third, merely biopolymers that can partition in H2O stage can follow this method. Last, in position of the sensitiveness of proteins towards temperature alterations, there may be trouble in scaling up of the procedure due to temperature displacements [ 2 ] .


Besides ultrafiltration and two-phase extraction, surface assimilation techniques are besides used to take endotoxins from protein solutions. Figure shows the rule of endotoxin surface assimilation. Anion-exchange and affinity surface assimilation ligands have a net positive charge. This causes the net negatively charged proteins and endotoxins to adsorb at low ionic strengths.

After the adsorbent ‘ s capacity is reached, protein recovery approaches 100 % . [ 7 ] The competition for the binding sites of the adsorbent and repulsive force of proteins affects the efficiency of endotoxin remotion. Figure: Mechanism of Endotoxin Adsorption from Protein Solutions [ 7 ]Non-selective surface assimilation utilizing activated C can non be used to decontaminate protein solutions as the surface assimilation is irreversible. [ 7 ] Hence, the anion-exchange chromatography surface assimilation method is discussed.

Anion-Exchange Chromatography

The net negative charge of endotoxins due to the presence of phosphate groups from lipid A enables the usage of anion-exchange polymeric matrices to take them. A common matrix used is the Diethylaminoethanol ( DEAE ) -Sepharose. At usual endotoxin degrees found in the provender, which is less than 10ng/ml, about three to four orders of clearance can be achieved by anion-exchange chromatography. [ 7 ] However, for acidic protein solutions, anion-exchange matrices are non suited for the selective remotion of endotoxins. They have high adsorbing capacities that will adsorb both the endotoxins and acidic proteins, doing them uneffective in the purification procedure.

[ 2 ] Therefore, anion-exchange chromatography shows the best consequences for basic proteins. [ 7 ]To do it possible for anion-exchange chromatography to be applied on acidic protein solutions, the pH of the proteins can be changed to make or transcend the isoelectric point ( pi ) . [ 7 ] This suppresses the surface assimilation of the proteins to the matrix, therefore cut downing competition for the binding sites.

The demand for this to be executable is that the acidic proteins must be soluble and stable plenty at the isoelectric point.

Affinity Adsorption

Affinity surface assimilation works on the rule of structural acknowledgment and specific interaction between adsorbents and endotoxins. Affinity techniques used to take endotoxins have a higher recovery of protein compared to other techniques. [ 7 ] The mechanism of endotoxin surface assimilation is the same as that for anion-exchange ligands. As endotoxins are negatively charged and hydrophobic, affinity sorbents can tap on the electrostatic and/or hydrophobic interaction between sorbent and endotoxin to selectively take it from protein solutions. The types of affinity surface assimilation include the employment of polymyxin B-immobilized sepharose, histamine and histidine-immobilized sepharose, polycationic ligands, polymeric matrices and immunoaffinity ligands which will be discussed in this subdivision.

Polymyxin B-Immobilized Sepharose

Polymyxin B is an antibiotic that is basic with positive charges. Polymyxin B destroys Gram-negative bacteriums by interrupting the cell walls when inserted. It is a group-selective ligand which can acknowledge a scope of endotoxins. [ 7 ] It can be immobilised on CNBr-activated Sepharose to organize columns for affinity surface assimilation of endotoxins. These columns showed clearance factors of more than 105 from to a great extent contaminated civilization filtrates holding concentrations of 10µg/ml. [ 2 ]Despite holding advantages such as high remotion of endotoxins, there are some disadvantages when polymyxin-Sepharose columns are used. The ionic interactions between the cationic part of polymyxin B and negatively charged proteins at low ionic strengths cause protein losingss when they are passed through the column.

This accounts for the low DNA recovery ( 50 % ) in malice of 200 to 10, 000-fold decrease of endotoxins. [ 7 ] This method is besides non suited for endovenous ( IV ) injection solutions due to its high cost [ 2 ] and the neurotoxicity and nephrotoxicity of polymyxin B when in solutions. [ 7 ]

Histamine and Histidine-Immobilized Sepharose

Histamine and histidine, when immobilized to Sepharose matrix, showed good consequences of dividing ribonucleic acids from endotoxins, which is normally really difficult to take.

[ 2 ] Besides histamine and histidine, bases such as A and C can besides be used as adsorbents for endotoxins. Among the different bases, histamine has the highest affinity for endotoxins. [ 2 ]Histamine and histidine have similar efficiencies of taking endotoxins with polymyxin B, with clearance factors runing from 5 to 200, depending on the conditions and concentration of the protein sample.

They are able to decontaminate protein solutions dwelling of muramidase, insulin and myoglobin. [ 7 ] Even though histamine has a higher affinity for endotoxins, histidine is a safer pick for IV injection solutions due to histamine ‘ s biological activity. [ 2 ]

Polycationic Ligands

Polymers with cationic maps such as the hydrophilic polyethyleneimines ( PEI ) have been found effectual as ligands in organizing secondary bonds at surface with endotoxins via new wave der Waals interaction and H bonding. An efficaciousness similar to that of polymyxin B was gettable if PEI is immobilized on cellulose beads, but immobilisation on cellulose fibers proved to be more effectual. This method has been experimented on i?§-globulin, myoglobin and Cytochrome C solutions and shown a high endotoxin clearance of more than 98 % with a high protein recovery ( & A ; gt ; 98 % ) . [ 8 ]It was besides reported by Friedrich and Dagmar that polycationic ligands are most effectual to be employed for the remotion of endotoxins from net-negatively charged proteins with concentrations less than 1 mg/ml and net-positively-charged proteins such as human lgG, ribonucleinases and muramidase. When immobilized on nylon microfiltration membranes coated with dextran 40, 000, consequences obtained from the experiment has confirmed a high endotoxin clearance of 8000 EU/ml by a individual base on balls through the adsorber membrane, which highlighted the possibility of deploying such technique for rapid processing of big volumes.

[ 9 ]Use of ligands other than PEI was besides plausible for the effectual remotion of endotoxins. Examples of such ligands are: poly-L-lysine ( PLL ) and poly-L-histidine ( PLH ) . Among these ligands, PLH had demonstrated to hold greater efficaciousness. However, it is besides comparatively expensive and unstable under alkalic conditions. [ 8 ]

Polymeric Matrixs

For efficient surface assimilation of endotoxins, poly ( i?§-methyl-L-glutamate ) beads which are spherical and porous were aminated to supply high endotoxin-binding capacity. These beads were besides positively charged to guarantee affinity binding and selective remotion of endotoxins from the protein solution. This method was claimed to hold lower dependance on ionic strength, which enabled it to be effectual for up to a 0.

4M salt concentration, and high selectivity towards bovine serum albumen ( BSA ) . The diffusion of proteins into pores was besides avoided by seting reaction conditions to accomplish little pore size beads with little pore sizes. As such, high recoveries of net-negatively charged proteins and strong surface assimilation of endotoxins are achieved. At pH 7, removal efficiencies of 96-99 % were obtained at protein recoveries of above 99 % . [ 8 ]Polymeric matrix synthesized from immobilisation of L-serine ligand ( PVDF-Ser ) on polyvinylidene fluoride matrix has besides proved to be twice every bit effectual as PVDF bearer cartridge in a recent research survey conducted by Gao and colleagues. [ 10 ] However, this method has yet to turn out applicable on human. Furthermore, these cation-containing polymeric matrices have comparatively less chemically stable ester bonds which, during synthesis, can merely be replaced partly in the presence of amide groups.

The staying ester bonds tend to hydrolyze under rough environmental conditions, thereby changing the construction of the matrix and cut down the binding capacity.

Other Techniques

Isoelectric focusing is carried out by using electrolyser with multi-compartment which is fitted with membranes that have predetermined isoelectric points ( pi ) to fractionate proteins. Similar technique can besides be carried out under uninterrupted circulation of myoglobin solution between membranes at controlled pH of 6. 98 to 8. 04 and in 1 mM 4- ( 2-hydroxyethyl ) -1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid ( HEPES ) . It was found that at pH 5.

1 and over a continuance of 3 hours, 99. 9 % of the endotoxin content was removed. [ 2 ]Colloidal zirconium oxide can besides be used as an affinity adsorber since the phosphate and phosphate esters possess high affinity for endotoxins to adhere strongly to. However, such adsorbent proved to hold decreased efficiency in the presence of BSA. Another signifier of sorbent makes usage of cross-linked chitosan beads. As chitosan becomes positively charged in an acidic environment, it can be employed as a cationic ligand.

Quaternised chitosan improves efficacy for treating under alkalic conditions. [ 2 ]To take advantage of hydrophobic interactions for separation of endotoxin under high salt concentrations ( & A ; gt ; 3 M ) , histidine-immobilised sorbents may be utilized. Yet, this technique may enforce high recovery costs of proteins that still remain in the high salt concentration solution. [ 2 ]Removal of endotoxins from purified recombinant proteins is besides proved efficient by Dudley and colleagues utilizing rearward stage high-performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) .

It was claimed that this technique may be the best scheme used in the concluding purification of endotoxin-free recombinant proteins, particularly if the downstream applications involve endothelial cell or angiogenesis-type checks. [ 11 ]


The proposed purification scheme sum-up for the remotion of endotoxins from protein solution in Gram-negative bacteriums is shown in Figure: Purification Strategy. Figure: Purification SchemeThe proposed scheme comprises of a combination of purification techniques antecedently mentioned in Section 3. Before the purification stairss can continue, the cells of Gram-negative bacteriums have to be foremost isolated and this is achieved by centrifugation of the agitation stock. Due the denseness difference of the constituents in the stock, two distinguishable beds will be produced, viz.

the supernatant and the deposit. The supernatant will consist of the less heavy stuffs such as the soluble extracellular proteins and foods, while the deposit will consist of the bacteriums cells which are much denser. The bacterium cells can now be separated from the stock and are ready for purification. To sublimate the intracellular recombinant proteins produced in the bacterium cells, the cells have to be lysed to let go of the protein contents. There are assorted methods for cell lysis including enzymatic lysis, sonication, bead-beating, detergent based lysis and high-shear mechanical methods. However, with considerations for the feasibleness of big scale purification in footings of cost and big volume operation, high-shear mechanical cell lysis is considered. Rotor stator homogenizer is selected in this purification scheme as break of micro-organisms can be achieved expeditiously with the assistance of glass beads.

Furthermore, it has a immense batch capacity of about 19, 000 litres and online capacity of 68, 000 liters/hour. [ 12 ] Rotor stator homogenizers besides generates really little sum of heat and hence, minimum chilling is required. After the bacterium cells are lysed, the cell dust and indissoluble constituents have to be separated to further sublimate the protein samples. Cell lysate can be clarified by agencies of centrifugation. Centrifugation separates the soluble proteins and endotoxins from the indissoluble cell dust. The clarified cell lysate will so be available for the remainder of the purification stairss.

Ultrafiltration is so used to handle the cell lysate as described in Section 3. 1. The efficiency of endotoxin remotion utilizing ultrafiltration is extremely dependent on the comparative size of endotoxin to the mark protein in the sample. If endotoxins are larger in size as compared to the mark protein, ultrafiltration is capable of cut downing the endotoxin degrees in the protein sample as they are largely trapped in filter membrane, with the mark protein found in the permeate.

However, it should be noted with cautiousness that endotoxins would break up under conditions of high temperature and high sourness. [ 2 ] This allows the lipoid A constituent of endotoxins, which is extremely toxic, to pervade through the membrane and hence, polluting the protein samples. On the other manus, if endotoxins are smaller than the mark protein, they will stop up in the permeate together with the mark protein, doing the purification measure inefficient. Hence, the pore size of the membrane used for ultrafiltration is important in finding the efficiency of this purification measure. In add-on, additives such as Ca ions ( Ca2+ ) are added to better endotoxin remotion. Ca2+ promotes the collection of endotoxin molecules and therefore allows more endotoxin molecules to be trapped in the filter membrane, sublimating the protein sample. [ 2 ] As a consequence, a membrane with nominal weight cut-off of 300kDa is used to let pervasion of the mark protein and at the same clip, pin downing the big endotoxin sums.

To obtain even higher pureness of the mark protein, two-phase extraction with Triton X-114 has to be employed. The usage of Triton X-114 is supported with its convenient cloud point of 25 & A ; deg ; C. [ 5 ] Although the Triton X-114 is merely somewhat denser than H2O, the denseness difference between the two stages can be widened by take downing H2O stage denseness which was accomplished by ultrafiltration in the old measure. A significant denseness difference is indispensable in finding the efficiency of endotoxin remotion. Above the cloud point, Triton X-114 exists as a different stage with H2O and extracts endotoxin, go forthing the mark protein in the aqueous stage. Still, a figure of such extraction rhythms have to be performed to achieve higher per centum of endotoxin remotion. This scheme uses 3 rhythms of extraction to accomplish 99 % remotion of endotoxins.

[ 5 ]The last measure of the purification scheme is the procedure of chromatography. The phosphate group nowadays on the lipoid A tail of endotoxins gives them a net negative charge. Although anion-exchange chromatography can be employed to adsorb endotoxins on the stationary stage surface which is positively charged, this separation is merely effectual when the mark protein does non hold an overall charge. If the mark protein is besides negatively charged, it may besides be co-absorbed onto the stationary stage, taking to a loss of mark protein and therefore a low output. Conversely, a positively charged mark protein would organize composites with endotoxins, therefore minimising the endotoxin remotion efficiency. Therefore, affinity chromatography is employed to supply better separation efficiency.

Endotoxins have both anionic and hydrophobic belongingss. Hence, the ligand used must be both cationic and hydrophobic to guarantee strong surface assimilation of endotoxins to the chromatography matrix. Poly ( ?-lysine ) immobilized on cellulose is used for this purification measure as it is normally used for endotoxin remotion in protein solutions.

Furthermore, it is capable of cut downing endotoxin degree to 0. 1 EU/ml. [ 7 ]The purification scheme proposed has certain restrictions with regard to big scale operation. First, under a big graduated table production, flow rate will be high. This leads to serious job of membrane fouling, which has to be changed often, and such solution is non economically-wise. While ultrafiltration has proven to be efficient in the separation of endotoxins, it is worthwhile to observe that such efficiency is merely possible in a protein-free solution.

In the purification of endotoxins from the mark protein, the strong agitation forces of the ultrafiltration in a big graduated table production will ensue in harm of mark protein, rendering the whole attempt futile [ 13 ] . An of import measure in the purification scheme involves a two-phase extraction with Triton X-114. This measure has the potency of taking up to 99 % of endotoxins depending on the figure of rhythms performed [ 12 ] . While this measure is simple, and cost-efficient in big graduated table production, the disadvantage of it is the demand for a high velocity centrifugation measure. Furthermore, the optimal conditions are besides unknown to day of the month. This puts the cap on the scale-up possibility of such a separation process.

After the two-phase extraction procedure, it is possible that some detergent remains in the protein solution. As such, an extra separation measure is most likely to happen. Harmonizing to Aida Y. it is most likely that this procedure will take to a 10-20 % merchandise loss [ 12 ] .

In footings of big scale production, this could take to high pureness, but low output of mark protein. This translates to expensive protein purification stairss. A recommendation that is possible to get the better of these jobs is the usage of the expanded bed surface assimilation ( EBA ) method. With the usage of the EBA, rough sample can be applied to it, such that the stairss of gaining control, elucidation and concentration can be done in a individual measure. This allows big scale production without the demand to up scale the centrifugation measure. The EBA involves the debut of provender from the underside, the enlargement of the bed such that it fluidize and the surface assimilation of the endotoxin on the beads through affinity or ion-exchange.

The wastewater will be the purified mark protein go outing through the column. However, the optimal conditions have to be farther investigated before it can be implemented in world.


Given the benefits and downsides of the three methods of endotoxin purifications continuing cell lysis and elucidation ; viz. , ultrafiltration, two-phase extraction and surface assimilation discussed in the text, each of the three methods are employed in a sequence of protein purification stairss to accomplish a much higher purification factor than if were to be done entirely. ( Figure )However, as discussed, the upscaling of the purification scheme is to be dearly-won due in portion to the lowered protein output, necessarily lost in the two-phase extraction method [ 2 ] . Furthermore, both ultrafiltration and surface assimilation methods are limited in graduated table, and application. As discussed, surface assimilation methods which include anion-exchange chromatography and affinity surface assimilation must be tailored to the belongingss of the coveted proteins. In drumhead, while the upscaling of the said scheme is likely to be perchance, the high cost of purification is likely to raise the cost of the concluding protein merchandise, and therefore, pass the cost to stop consumers.

Therefore, the application of the purification stairss is likely to be limited to intervention that necessitates the high pureness of the concluding merchandise, such as monoclonal antibody readyings [ 2 ] . The usage of an expanded bed surface assimilation ( EBA ) method could perchance get the better of these restrictions, by integrating the purification steps into a individual measure. However, the purification factor of this method is non yet optimized for big scale operations [ 13 ] . Further research could affect the development of new adsorbents with improved protein-binding capacity.

In combination with the usage of extremely specific and stable ligands, it will let a higher merchandise output with the initial recovery of merchandises even in big graduated table feedstock volumes used. [ 14 ]

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