Essay, 2 pages (350 words)

Bioethic issue

Bioethic Issue: Stem Cell Research The quest to discover new therapies has compelled scientists to conduct various researches such as stem cell research. Stem cell therapy is not new since the physicians have been performing bone marrow stem cell transplants for many years. However, the isolation of stem cells from an embryo in 1998 brought about excitement, as well as controversy (University of Utah). The excitement stemmed from the possibility of the stem cells to cure diseases. The embryonic stem cells from human beings have spurred a spirited debate among religious groups, politicians, public, and a section of scientists. Hence, the controversy centers on the moral implication of interrupting with the human embryos.
The religious groups regard the destruction of the embryo as abortion. The group holds that embryo forms life, and it is unethical and immoral to interfere with life. Similarly, the politicians argue that the use of stem cells is a devaluation of the human life (Gold 1). In this respect, the furtherance of the research will enhance the destruction of human life. Likewise, a section of scientists contends that the current practice of using adult stem cells in therapies is enough. Thus, the opponents believe that a need does not exist to warrant the scientists to carry out researches using embryonic stem cells.
Research on the embryonic stem cells is not ethical and immoral as perceived by the public. The public should understand that embryonic stem cell has the potential of introducing new treatment of some of the costly diseases. In effect, the cost of many diseases in terms of suffering and monetary aspects implies the ethical concerns raised by the public are inadequate to discontinue the promising therapy. The legal abortion is the source of embryos, and thus the public should not view stem cell research as unethical. Therefore, the public should have a balanced view of the stem cell research.
Works Cited
Gold, Rachel. “ Embryonic stem cell research-Old controversy; New debate.” Guttmacher Report on Public Policy 7. 4 (2004): 1-12. Print.
University of Utah. The Stem Cell Debate: Is it Over? Web. 30th Nov 2014 http://learn. genetics. utah. edu/content/stemcells/scissues/

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AssignBuster. 2022. "Bioethic issue." January 11, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/bioethic-issue/.

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AssignBuster. "Bioethic issue." January 11, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/bioethic-issue/.

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"Bioethic issue." AssignBuster, 11 Jan. 2022, assignbuster.com/bioethic-issue/.

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