Report, 15 pages (4000 words)

Background of the report

Background of the Report Tobacco use is a major preventable cause of premature death and disease worldwide. Currently, more than 5 million people die globally each year due to tobacco related illness, a figure expected to increase to 8. 3 million by 2030. 2 Tobacco-attributable deaths are projected to decline by 9% between 2002 and 2030 in high-income countries, but to double from 3. 4 million to 6. 8 million in low- and middle income countries. Tobacco advertising is the advertising of tobacco products or use (typically cigarette smoking) by the tobacco industry through a variety of media including sponsorship, particularly of sporting events. It is now one of the most highly regulated forms of marketing. Some or all forms of tobacco advertising are banned in many countries. Tobacco advertising has a far-reaching effect on the smoking initiation of people of different ages especially among the youth. The term paper is prepared for Ms. Sabnam Jahan, Course Instructor and Faculty Member; School of Business, North South University. This report is prepared as a partial requirement for completion the course MGT210 (Introduction to Management). Following the standard procedure and instruction given by the course instructor, we tried our level best to prepare this report to the required standard. 1. 2 Objectives of the Study The overall objective of the proposed study is to discuss or highlight the impact of tobacco advertising on smoking habits of people, analyze the data collected from the survey and to come up with some recommended solutions and action plans which will pave the way forward. 3. Scope of the Study The meet the objective of the proposed study, the following will be its scope — – To discuss the idea of Advertising and Tobacco Advertising. – Know the strategies of tobacco advertising. – Discuss the policies regarding tobacco advertising and bans on it. – Know the impact on economy. – Recommended solutions to overcome the situation. Methodology is the most important component in any study since it explains the procedures and methods through which a particular study will be carried out. This chapter of the report includes a discussion on study population, sample and its size etc. 2. 1 Data Requirements Data are the raw materials for any study project. Relevant data for our study are collected from both secondary and primary sources. As our secondary data we have gone through different books, websites and journals to collect data about tobacco advertising. And our primary data are collected through a survey among the smokers in Dhaka city which are seemed to be quantitative data relevant to the topic. 2. 2 Study Population The study population for the proposed study will be the smokers who consume cigarettes or bidi’s quite regularly. As our research topic is about the impact of tobacco advertising in smoking, that’s why we have concentrated largely on young people as they are always been a high target market for the tobacco companies. Aside, the young segment’s responses may also help us in the accuracy in our research. 2. 3 Study Area Basically, smokers are found in every lanes and streets throughout the country. So it seemed very difficult for us to select our study area regarding the survey. At last, after thinking and discussing among the group, we have decided to target the greater Dhanmondi area along with Dhaka University. Within this area we have also covered Dhaka College and some secondary schools where we found our samples in large number. 2. 3 Sample Size For survey, we were in a great dilemma while we were to decide the sample size for our research. As smokers are found every here and there and they are very large in numbers, that’s why we were confused to select the sample size. Finally as per our instructor’s direction we have selected a sample size of One hundred smokers through the Simple Random Sampling method. 2. 4 Instruments Used For our survey, we have used the following instruments — Survey Questionnaire: Survey questionnaire is basically useful for straightforward situations. By keeping this in mind, we have prepared a survey questionnaire that contains 15 questions where most of them are open-ended questions. Those questions are restricted by YES/NO and Options provided by us. Observation: Another technique we have used is observation technique. Where we have observed the smokers in different tea stalls while talking with the sales representatives of different tobacco companies. At that time we have observed how people are convinced by those tobacco people and their different promotional offers and advertisements. 3. 1 Idea of Tobacco Advertising Basically Advertising is a form of communication used to encourage or persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group of people) to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common. The purpose of advertising may also be to reassure employees or shareholders that a company is viable or successful. Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various traditional media; including mass media such as newspaper, magazines, television commercial, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new media such as blogs, websites or text messages. Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of their products or services through ” branding,” which involves the repetition of an image or product name in an effort to associate certain qualities with the brand in the minds of consumers. Non-commercial advertisers who spend money to advertise items other than a consumer product or service include political parties, interest groups, religious organizations and governmental agencies. Tobacco advertising is the advertising of tobacco products or use (typically cigarette smoking) by the tobacco industry through a variety of media including sponsorship, particularly of sporting events. It is now one of the most highly regulated forms of marketing. Some or all forms of tobacco advertising are banned in many countries. Tobacco advertising has a far-reaching effect on the smoking initiation of people of different ages especially among the youth. 3. 2 Strategies of Tobacco Advertising Tobacco companies generally undertake the following strategies mainly to attract the customers especially the young people even the children. These are — – Placing cigarette ads at children’s eye-level. – Advertising in popular youth-oriented magazines. – Sponsoring sports with a large youth fan base, such as soccer and cricket. – Advertising near schools using large billboards depicting glamorized images of tobacco use. – Placing tobacco products in prominent movies for the youth audience. – Developing counterproductive youth tobacco prevention programs, which actually encourage use. Along with the above strategies, tobacco companies also use the following marketing tactics to promote their products — Point-of-Sale (POS): Advertising displays where tobacco products are sold. POS cigarette advertising increases the likelihood that youth will initiate smoking. POS exposes all shoppers, regardless of age and smoking status, to pro-smoking messages and imagery. Sports Sponsorships: Sports sponsorships basically creates false perceptions about athletic excellence and smoking, especially among the youth. Brand Stretching: Non-tobacco products, such as clothing or toys, affixed with tobacco brand names promote the tobacco product and increase brand recognition, allowing tobacco companies to circumvent traditional tobacco marketing bans. Industry Sponsored Youth Prevention Programs: Industry-sponsored youth prevention programs are created to improve the tobacco industry’s public image and discourage further tobacco control legislation. These programs are ineffective at best and, at worst, encourage youth to smoke. 3. 3 Tobacco use Frequency According to GATS Bangladesh Report-2009 frequency of cigarette smoking as three standard categories, “ daily cigarette smokers”, “ occasional cigarette smokers” and “ non-smokers of cigarettes” (the third category is those persons who smoke bidis.) The percentages of adults aged 15 years and over who are daily cigarette smokers, occasional cigarette smokers and non-smokers of cigarettes are 12. 5%, 1. 7% and 85. 8%, respectively. The percentage of daily smokers among males is 25. 0% and for females it is 0. 2% (fewer than 25 respondents.) The percentage of male occasional smokers is 3. 3%; 71. 7% of males are non-smokers of cigarettes. Among females, 0% identified themselves as occasional smokers and 99. 8% were non-smokers of cigarettes. Given the low prevalence of cigarette smoking among females (0. 2%) as compared to males (25. 0%), data by demographic characteristics is provided below for males. Please note, table 4. 5A also provides this data for the overall sample and for females, though cigarette smoking among females in Bangladesh is very low. Among males, by age group, the highest percentages of daily cigarette smokers are in the 25-44 years and 45-64 years age groups (30. 9% and 27. 5%). The highest percentages of occasional cigarette smokers are in the 25-44 year age group and among those 65 or more years of age (4. 3% and 3. 4%). Among young people 15-24 years of age, 3. 1% were occasional cigarette smokers. Among males, by residence, the percentage of daily cigarette smokers in urban areas (33. 1%) is higher than that found in rural areas (22. 1%). However, the distribution of occasional cigarette smokers is similar by residence (3. 8% urban, 3. 2% rural). The percentage of rural male non-smokers of cigarettes is higher than urban non-cigarette smokers (74. 7% and 63. 1%, respectively). Among males, smoking was reported more among those less educated (no formal education, less than primary, and less than secondary education, 27. 1%, 27. 4% and 27. 8%, respectively) as compared to secondary and above (17. 0%). 4. 1Data Analysis Respondents’ Occupation: | Occupations | Number of Respondents | | Service Holders | 27 | | Businessman | 15 | | Students | 38 | | Others | 20 | [pic] The occupation has a vital influence over the lifestyle of the people. As for the research purpose the occupation of the respondents displayed in the chart above clearly shows that the majority of the respondents who took part are students of about 38%. The second large portion shows that about 27% of the respondents are service holders. About 15% of the respondents are businessmen and the respondents shown by others are from different occupations. Age of the Respondents: | Age Range | Number of Respondents | | Below 18 | 25 | | 18-25 | 38 | | 26-35 | 22 | | 36 and above | 15 | [pic] As we have gone through a simple random sampling that’s why the age of the respondents are different. The chart above shows that 25% of the respondents belong to the age of below 18. The majority of the respondents’ age belongs to the range of 18-25 and they are significantly 38% in number. 22% peoples’ age are within the range of 26-35. And the remaining 15% respondents’ age is of 36 or above. First Smoked: | Age Range | Number of Respondents | | 12-15 | 33 | | 16-20 | 45 | | 21-25 | 20 | | 26 and above | 02 | [pic] We know that every individual are of different type and criterion. Different persons got the first taste of smoke at different age level. In our research we showed that a significant portion of 45% people belongs to the range of 16-20 years of age when they first got the puff of a cigarette. We found a sizable portion of the respondents of 33% who first smoked between the ages of 12-15. 20% people first smoked within the age of 21-25. And only 2% respondents got the first puff at the age of 26 or above. Regularly Started: | Age Range | Number of Respondents | | 15-19 | 31 | | 20-24 | 57 | | 25 and Above | 12 | [pic] As the sizable portion of the respondents belongs to the age of 15-19, the above chart also clearly shows that 57% of the respondents got addicted to smoking on a regular basis, and they belong to the age limit of 20-24. 31% respondents smoke regularly whose age belongs to the range of 15-19. And 12% respondents said that they smoke regularly and their age is 25 or above Influencers to Smoke: | Influencers | Number of Respondents | | Friends | 62 | | Family Members | 13 | | Colleagues | 04 | | Others | 21 | [pic] Through our survey we found that the respondents are influenced to smoking by different ways. Sometime it was due to friends, family or others. We find that 62% of the respondents are influenced by their friends. Friends smoking have profound influence on them. As the chart show about 13% of the respondents were influenced by their family members. 4% respondents were influenced by their colleagues in their service life. And the rest 21% respondents were influenced by others. Rationale behind Smoking: | Rationales | Number of Respondents | | Depression | 18 | | Influence of Others | 36 | | Don’t Know | 46 | [pic] A significant portion of our respondents are students and belongs to the age where sometimes rationality does not work. Through our survey we find that 46% of the respondents have no particular reason behind their smoking. They only go through the motion. Other 36% respondents said that they were influenced by others like friends. Depression is another reason behind the smoking of about 18% respondents. Rate of Consumption: | Cigarettes Taken (Per Day) | Number of Respondents | | 01-10 | 47 | | 11-20 | 33 | | Above 20 | 20 | [pic] Our survey shows that the consumption rate of cigarettes varies due to various rationales like addiction or personality or situation. Through our study we find that 47% of the respondents consume 1-10 sticks daily. 33% respondents consume 11-20 sticks and 20% of the respondents daily consume 20 or more sticks on an average. Awareness of Smoking Injuries: | Options | Number of Respondents | | YES | 86 | | NO | 14 | [pic] As you know that majority of our respondents are students and servicemen. We find that 86% of the respondents are well aware of the bad effect of smoking. The people who are not conscious they do not know the injurious effect of smoking. We find such 14% people of the respondents who are ignorant of bad effect of smoking. Rationale behind Smoking even knowing the Injuries: | Rationales | Number of Respondents | | Addiction | 51 | | Don’t Know | 37 | | Others | 12 | [pic] Addiction is something where rationality fails to survive. And we also find that 51% people are addicted to smoking, although they know the injurious effect of smoking. So addiction is one of the major rationales behind smoking. 37% respondents don’t know the exact reason of their smoking. And there are other types of reasons behind smoking of the people who are 12%. Brand Preferences: | Brand Names | Number of Respondents | | B&H / Marlboro | 28 | | Gold Leaf / Pall Mall | 32 | | Navy / Star | 18 | | Others | 12 | [pic] There are different types of brands of cigarettes in the market. Every individual has different taste. They also vary from purchasing power or price. 37%, the majority of the respondents answered that they prefer gold leaf or Pall Mall. 30% respondents prefer B&H / Marlboro as their preferred brand. 20% respondents prefer navy/star brand. 12 people which is 13% of the total respondents prefer other types of existing brands in the market. Monthly Income: | Income Range | Number of Respondents | | Below 5, 000 | 45 | | 6, 000-15, 000 | 21 | | 16, 000-25, 000 | 24 | | Above 25, 000 | 10 | [pic] For the assistance of our survey and to know the impact of smoking on the people’s financial conditions, we have asked our respondents about their monthly income. Out of our 100 respondents, most of the people income below 5, 000 taka where most of the respondents are students, rickshaw-pullers, day laborers etc. 21 people have income from 6, 000 to 15, 000 taka; 24 people earn 16, 000 to 25, 000 taka monthly and only 10 people earn more than 25, 000 taka per month. Inception to Tobacco Promotions: | Options | Number of Respondents | | YES | 73 | | NO | 27 | [pic] In our research we have found that 73% respondents replied positively of their inception to the tobacco promotion. 27% that they were not involved to any kind of tobacco promotion. Influence of Tobacco Ads: | Options | Number of Respondents | | YES | 62 | | NO | 38 | [pic] We asked the respondents that if they have any influence of tobacco ads on their smoking? 66% respondents answered in positive that the tobacco ads have a great influence on them. And 34% respondents replied in the negative, that tobacco ads have no influence on the cause. Smoking Intensity due to Tobacco Advertising: | Options | Number of Respondents | | Catalogs | 15 | | TVCs & Ads | 53 | | Promotions | 32 | [pic] In general, we are encountered to different types of advertising and promotional activities on tobacco. It has intense effect on different individuals. Through the study we find that tobacco advertising has a smoking intensity over 53% respondents. We find that majority of the people are fond of those eye catching ads. Tobacco companies organize different promotional activities to attract the youth as well as different types of people. We find that 32% respondents have a great intensity to tobacco promotion. 15% respondents said that their intensity is based on catalogs. 4. 2 Findings of the Study From both our primary and secondary data, we have found that tobacco advertising is really one of the major causes of smoking initiation amongst the people especially the youth and the children. Our findings are as follows — – Every day, some 80, 000-100, 000 young people around the world become addicted to tobacco. 1 If current trends continue, 250 million children alive today will die from tobacco-related disease. 2 Tobacco is the single most preventable cause of death in the world today. 3 Unless urgent action is taken to stop a new generation of smokers, there will be more than 8 million deaths every year by 2030. – Tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship entice young people to use tobacco, encourage smokers to smoke more, and decrease smokers’ motivation to quit smoking. – As we have gone through a simple random sampling that’s why the age of the respondents are different. Our data analysis shows that most of the smokers basically belong to the age group of 15 to 25 years old and most of them are students. – We know that every individual are of different type and criterion. Different persons got the first taste of smoke at different age level. In our research we showed that a significant portion of people who belongs to the range of 16-20 years of age when they first got the puff of a cigarette, a chunk of people also belong to the range of 12-15 years. It is also found that people generally start smoking on a regular basis mainly at the age of 15 to 24 years – Though creating smoking habit is one’s own wish, but it is seen that most of the people are influenced to smoke by different ways. Friends smoking have profound influence on major chunk of the smokers of different ages and professions. – Almost half of the respondents said that they don’t know the reason behind their smoking. According to their opinion it is seemed that smoking is like Horlicks where a child is saying that “ Ami to Emni Emni Khai”. – Through our survey, we have found that, the daily consumption rate of cigarettes among the smoker is 10 sticks on an average. There are also a noteworthy number of people who smoke more than 20 even 40 sticks. – We find that almost all the respondents are well aware of the bad effects of smoking. But unfortunately they are not concerned about the injurious effects of tobacco. Just because of addiction and ignorance to anti-smoking matters they are not able to quit smoking. – Most of the people earn below 5, 000 taka per month where most of them are students, rickshaw-pullers, day laborers etc. These people expense almost one-fifth of their income behind smoking and other tobacco products. – According to our research, two-third of the respondents admired that they are influenced to smoke by encountering the extravaganza advertisements and promotions of tobacco companies. We found that majority of the people are fond of those eye catching ads and different promotional activities by which they are attracted tobacco products. 5. 1 Recommendations According to our point of view we have come up with some recommendations which can be implemented to overcome the adverse effects of tobacco advertising in smoking initiation. These are — Monitor Effective monitoring of tobacco use and its control program, regular surveillance on key indicators is necessary. Key strategies should be implemented for effective monitoring of tobacco use, such as: a) Periodic implementation of surveys under the Global Tobacco Surveillance System b) Increase collaboration among tobacco control experts from various institutes and also tobacco control stakeholders for strengthening the tobacco surveillance system; c) Develop a monitoring plan responding to indicators and FCTC guidelines. Protect Generally the people are exposed to second-hand smoke in the workplace and also in public places. Steps to protect people protected from tobacco smoke are: a) To advocate for the amendment of the current law to include 100% smoke—free environments to cover more public places and protect the public from exposure to tobacco smoke pollution. b) To enforce smoke—free provisions of the current law actively and effectively; c) Mount a public awareness campaign through different media to increase knowledge of the harms from tobacco and exposure to tobacco smoke. Offer help GATS Bangladesh Report has shown that almost 70% of current smokers have an interest in quitting smoking. However, only 30% of smokers received some forms of counseling for quitting. Only half of the adults received advice to quit tobacco use when visiting health-care providers. Warn a) Formulating and enacting effective pictorial health warnings on all types of smoking and smokeless tobacco products; b) Disseminating information on the health and economic impact caused by smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke through media campaigns. Enforce By law, tobacco advertisements for all smoking products are banned in Bangladesh. But adults are exposed to some form of tobacco marketing activities. Bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship should be enhanced through: a) Modification of the national Tobacco Control Act to include a ban on advertisement of all kinds of tobacco products, including smokeless tobacco; b) Raising social awareness regarding tobacco’s harm and exposing the selfishness of the tobacco industry’s through promotion of tobacco; c) Coordinating with government and nongovernmental organizations for tobacco control at every level and especially in remote areas for systematic monitoring of tobacco industry advertising; d) Rigorously enforcing laws and regulations to eliminate tobacco industry advertising; and e) Increasing capacity of the task force to enforce tobacco legislation. Raise taxes on tobacco Increasing the excise tax on tobacco products has been referred to as a one of the most effective ways to discourage youth from starting to smoke, reduce tobacco use and save lives. a) Advocacy for raising taxes on all types of tobacco products; b) Enhancing political commitment to regularly revise and increase taxes on tobacco products including bidi, smokeless tobacco and imported cigarettes; c) Strengthening community-monitoring of local grocery stores where cigarettes are sold to ensure that youth under 18 years old cannot access them. 5. 2 Conclusive Remarks It is proposed that tobacco advertisements are particularly attractive to adolescents who, for one reason or another, are looking for an identity that the images are carefully designed to offer. These are the youths who would retain promotional items, while those whose identity needs are met in other ways would likely lose, discard, or forget about them. Having the items offers the vulnerable group an opportunity to “ try on the image of a smoker”. Doing so is likely part of a longer term process of accepting the image and, eventually, the smoking behavior that goes with it. More careful examination of the differential effect of advertising on more and less vulnerable youths would be very useful in helping us gain a better understanding of its effect. We should apply the multi-state agreement with the major tobacco companies includes some restrictions on billboard and transit advertisements and also on some forms of promotional items. However, tobacco advertising images are still widely displayed inside and outside of stores, in magazines, in the entertainment sections of newspapers, and at local sponsored events. Since it is the images that hold the power to influence adolescent behavior, a more comprehensive restriction on image advertising would be warranted. [pic][pic][pic] ———————– 1

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