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Australia--- alcohol-related problems literature review examples


There are number of alcohol related issues that are preferably associated with social and disciplinary aspects of society. While conducting analysis it has been significantly analyzed that the use of alcohol has implicate various adverse impacts on family and social life of an individual involve. Australian society avoids hearing the fact that the society is suffering from huge number of alcoholic issues. At the same time there are number of other overseas nations that represents to have serious issues with alcohol. In reference to Australia, it has been examined that in Victoria alcoholic related issues cost more than $ 4. 3 million in a comprehensive year, as these involves serious road incidents, health related problems and workforce problems also including intangible aspects such as pain and distress. With the aspect of social enjoyment, society forgets the deleterious impacts of higher alcohol consumption which they found are not new in global society (Gray D, 2009, pp. 75).

Fluctuation in the use of alcohol in is quite evident from 1990s and with the progress there is also expansion in the rate of depression, similar Australia has been identified as the nation which represents pre- dominant culture of male beer drinkers. A survey determines that in Australian society women reflects to have higher life rate than the life expectancy of makes as the causes involves alcohol use, injury as well as most of the time results in various disease . According to health policy statistics, other identified alcohol related problem is rise in violence. Similarly statistics that has been presented by Victorian Auditors General that from 2009-2011 there is expansion in the rate of emergency room requirements due to raise in alcohol related accidents at the same time the rate has been tripled in 2012 which represents to be 87 percent, at the same time domestic violence not only in Australian society but also in other nations across the globe has also been doubled.
There are number of studies that have been conducted on analyzed various alcoholic related issues but at the same time number of government strategies that identified as unsuccessful one to reduce alcohol related accidents and harms. All the alcoholic related governmental agencies are associated with developing strategies but are found not worthy. Regarding Australia audit has been conducted to demonstrate lacking in the strategies for which accurate data gathered related to adverse impacts of Alcoholic misuse to attain greater insight concerning prominent issues in the society (Lee KS, 2008, p. 78).

Measure Gaps Analysis

While conducted analysis in Australia, it has been identified that all the alcoholic related problems are mismanaged by state officials, such as policies which are preferably applied in an ad hoc style. The key example of mismanagement is that with the excessive rate of alcoholic related problems there is also expansion in the liquor license which has expanded to more or less 19000 from 1998. The audit report significantly cleared that none of the strategies of state and federal government regarding alcoholic issues rather problems are getting complex to be effectively tackled in cooperative and comprehensive manner. In the context, it depicts that there are number of reasonable measures that could be take for improvement and reduction in issues related to alcoholic misuse .
The knowledge that has been critical gained by examining various gaps in governmental interventions regarding alcoholic related problems that major gathering high quality world data for close consideration related to abuse and use of alcoholic products in Australia and overseas, so these comparative analysis could be conducted to rectify the problems immediately.
Through analysis it has been demonstrated that the major key issues in government policies to cut down the usage of alcoholic products is availability and cost fluctuations. Examination put forward a question that why in Australia and overseas government is lifting alcoholic products prices to minimum. In contrary to Australian approach, there is also number of nations which has developed effective strategies to cut down the abuse. Here quoting example of British and Scotland governments would be appropriate one, such as in Britain there is rise in floor prices of cheap range of alcoholic products such as cider as well as wine, in the similar manner in Scotland there is manipulation of ban on happy hour discounts which found to be the major cause of alcoholic related harms. Alcoholic abuse have considerably enhanced the associated risk of criminal attempts, domestic and national violence as well as also observed that there is rapid expansion in rape in assault which is grey area that mostly not recorded.
In reference to higher availability, alcohol products were never as much available as they are now, there is expansion in the venues in which alcohol is served and now in Australia as well as in overseas market place they are easily available in supermarkets as most of the shoppers make purchases of alcoholic products with their groceries (Manning, 1989, p. 261). Statistics reveals that alcohol is the major deadly drug which is highly available as well as widely consumed, such as beer alone the mostly consumed alcoholic in global implication. It is recorded that alcoholic beverage are the third most popular beverages overall as water and tea are above in the row. At the same time tourism is the major factor behind greater availability of the product, as alcohol is sign of social enjoyment and lifestyle in most of the nations including Australia (Shore JH, 2004, p. 2513). Other than Australia there are also nations which represents higher social cost associate with alcohol, such as in Canada economic cots of alcoholic abuses is more than 41 percent, similar in United Stated it is approximately $ 223. 5 billion and across United Kingdom it is exceeded to 19 billion pound (Skog, 1989, p. 47).

Identified Remedies

The first remedy of problem is that it is necessary for societies to accept the fact that they have greater number of alcoholic related problems and there have to be successful strategic structure to cut down the issues. Australian and other overseas societies which represent higher alcoholic abuse have to overcome an idea that drinking alcoholic beverages are charming and even harmless attempt (Kirmayer LJ, 2000, p. 608). The fact is that alcoholic usage is the major cause behind expansion in domestic violence, accidents, deaths and family breakdown as well as also come out with various social as well as emotional problems. For controlling, the major resolutions in strong and ethical governmental structure which through leadership effectively take detested decisions (Knibbe RA, 2001, p. 34).
Alcohol is the major mean which causes higher risk of social disruptive behaviors that has to be judged in the critical manner in comparison with regular sober attitudes. At the same time there are same legislations in western cultures in which there are exceptional provisions for alcoholic criminal attempts such as someone who had made a rape attempt greatly sentenced than the one who committed murder but under the influence of alcohol. In the similar context, there has to be restructuring in the social policies associated with family breakdowns not only in Australia but also in a global perspective (Bien TH, 1993, p. 318). It is a fact that when families due to domestic violence breakdown, the major suffering ones are children who most often seriously affected as they can’t do even little to get protected from direct or even indirect consequences of their parents use of alcohol. According to the statistics of number of western countries involving Australia, New Zealand, United States, United Kingdom as well as Sweden in which one of 3000 newly born child is get birth with fetal alcoholic syndrome .
Previously it has also been highlighted that alcohol abuse reduce capability of person to effectively perform differentiated tasks in working environment preferably in a productive manner as commit previously, such as it is examined that in United States due to absenteeism of employees, employers estimated to be affected by 779 million pound per year.

In has been examined that in Australia law enforcement agencies have stimulated that all the drivers on roads should have blood alcohol concentration at preferably less than 0. 05. Due to the reason Australian police is basically authorized to stop down the vehicles and breath test them for examination of their BAC. Previously it was believed by the concerns that recent liquor laws geared to be in favor of alcoholic criminals due to which called for vast range of changes in the committee reviewing act. According to the act that the police ask offender to admit the conducted offence and subsequent offense comes out in prosecution. In case in which offender is observed to be drunk, immediately presented for clinical assessment.


In Australia society it has been highlighted that there is an excessive legal and political dialogues in context of issuing liquor and bar opening licenses which is resulting in the higher density of outlets that is the major cause behind rise of alcoholic related harms. Exposure of causes behind alcoholic abuse, such as mobile and social media marketing can also be a preventive measure. Government regarding social and health policies has to take critical measures in Australia as prohibition of alcoholic energy drinks production and bans on licensed venues will work in effective manner. Government should cut down sponsorships of various sports and music events and club programs by branded alcohol beverages manufacturing companies and should encourage alternative source of funding. Alcoholic products must have visible health risk warning at the front of packaging to urge people to consume products.
In the similar context in Australia the strong leadership has to set higher alcohol beverages taxations which enhance the prices of consumption. Explicitly targeted mass media must be utilize for educating campaigns and promotion of classroom programs about causes and harms linked with abuse of alcoholic products must be encouraged . Resources such as the Alcohol Treatment Guidelines for Indigenous Australians should be utilized and frequently reviewed to make sure they reflect existing evidence and best observations. Data of alcohol related incidents must be effectively collected by Australian government departments and other related federal authorities available alcoholic campaign evaluators.


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– Gray D, S. S. W. E. A. S. O. C., 2009. Enhancing the management of alcohol-related problems among Indigenous Australians. Drug and Alcohol Review, 28(s1), pp. A69-81.
– Kirmayer LJ, B. G. T. C., 2000. The mental health of Aboriginal peoples: transformations of identity and community. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 45, pp. 607-16.
– Knibbe RA, B. K., 2001. Alcohol consumption estimates in surveys in Europe: comparability and sensitivity for gender differences. Substance Abuse, 22(1), pp. 23-38.
– Lee KS, C. K. C. A. W. C. S. E. R. J., 2008. Evaluation of a community-driven preventive youth initiative in Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review, 27(1), pp. 75-82.
– Manning, W. G., 1989. The taxes of sin: do smokers and drinkers pay their way? Journal of the American Medical Association, 261(11).
– Shore JH, S. P., 2004. A model for alcohol-mediated violence in an Australian Aboriginal community. Social Science & Medicine, 58, pp. 2509-2521.
– Skog, O. J., 1989. An analysis of divergent trends in alcohol consumption and economic development. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 47(1).

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"Australia--- alcohol-related problems literature review examples." AssignBuster, 20 Jan. 2022, assignbuster.com/australia-alcohol-related-problems-literature-review-examples/.

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