Essay, 2 pages (450 words)

Argumentative essay analysis

SULA This essay is a compare and contrast of the character’s Sula and Nel from the novel ‘‘ Sula’’ by Toni Morrison. Throughout the progression of the novel, Nel and Sula complement each other in   ways that allows them to form a single functional unitfriendship. The symbiotic nature between Sula and Nel began during theirchildhoodyears. Sula depended upon Nel for sturdiness and comfort, while Nel preferred the unpredictable nature of her sula. They used the other’s lifestyle to compensate for their shortcomings by placing themselves in the other’s surroundings.

When Sula visited Nel’s home, Nel, who loved the oppressive neatness with dread, felt comfortable in it, with Sula. In the same way, Sula found comfort within the walls of the Wright’s home. They took solace in each other’s presence. Each one found comfort in what the other finds bothersome. Sula dislikes her disheveled house, and wishes that she could live in the clean house of Nel’s. Nel likes the homeliness of Sula’s house. As their relationship progressed, they began to act as an individual, or a symbiotic relationship where associations are peaceful cooperation’s between two entirely different types of organisms.

Dependent describes the friend’s relationship, because they depended on each other for everything. Sula and Nel’s friendship, was as intense as it was sudden. They found relief in each other’spersonality, because they find their comfort in each other’senvironment. When Sula accidentally killed the boy named Chicken Little by throwing him into a river, Nel stuck by Sula. They both tookresponsibilityfor the accident, even though Sula was the only participant. At Chicken Little’s funeral, Sula and Nel held hands and knew that only the coffin would lie in the earth; the bubbly laughter would stay aboveground with them forever.

Their relationship up to this point, is a coexistence ofhappinesswith each other. The Unhealthy Relationship of Sula and Nel is that they rely on one another for their well being. However, sometimes those organisms become greedy and decide to take in the relationship, instead of sharing with their symbiotic partner. Through this action, it takes on parasitic characteristics. In Toni Morrison’s work, Sula, Sula Peace and Nel Wright demonstrate how a symbiotic relationship goes awry. When one partner betrays the other, by taking instead of giving, the other partner suffers.

Nel and Sula’s relationship suffers because Sula unfortunately takes actions that lead to partaking in a parasitic relationship where she begins to wither away. Nel refuses the parasitic lifestyle and relationship, which causes Sula to wither away. In the midst of her death, Sula finally realizes that she needs the symbiotic relationship with Nel to survive. The interactions between Sula and Nel began symbiotically; however, it develops into a parasitic one with the dependence of Sula on Nel.

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AssignBuster. 2022. "Argumentative essay analysis." January 20, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/argumentative-essay-analysis/.

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AssignBuster. "Argumentative essay analysis." January 20, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/argumentative-essay-analysis/.

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"Argumentative essay analysis." AssignBuster, 20 Jan. 2022, assignbuster.com/argumentative-essay-analysis/.

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