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Analysis of are there biblical norms for christian marriage artcicle

“ Are There Biblical Norms for Christian Marriage?” “ Are There Biblical Norms for Christian Marriage?” Thesis Charles H. Talbert in his article tries to argue whether there are biblical norms for Christian marriages. He proceeds to argue that there are biblical norms for Christian marriages and uses the bible as his major source of reference. Summary In his introductory part, Talbert explain the essence of unity in the Roman world and his uses various references to show the different authorship in the ancient world that tried to address the same topic. In answering his question “ Are There Biblical Norms for Christian Marriage?” Talbert divides his argument into two parts of the dos and don’ts in the society. He supports his point being present in the Christian marriage by referring to the bible. There are rules and commands written in the bible, and he deems that creation did not just happen by mere coincidence. He argues that just like creation was a planned process, so is the institution of marriage and Christians or couples who are in marriage relationship should use the bible to guide them on what to do and what not do in their marriages. He argues that problems that are experienced in marriages are as a result of the sin that was committed between man and woman (Charles, 2001). The bible again comes as reference source because there are numerous accounts of the creation story and both points out that man and woman were created by God. The article points out that most problems in marriages are not new as they were there from the time that sin was committed by the first couples to live. The norms aspect present in marriages are highlighted in the article as Talbert argues that marriage was affirmed by the bible, divorce was totally condemned and that both partners in a marriage had spiritual capacities. Moreover, celibacy is affirmed for individuals gifted with the gift to serve in different positions. Talbert uses various situations and instances to give the evidence that indeed there are biblical norms in the Christian marriages (Charles, 2001). In spite of Talbert using the bible as his major source of marriage norms, he however, warns individuals who are reading some of the scriptures like commands fail in their attempt to answer his question of whether there are norms in the Christian marriages. Therefore, the ethical Christian marriage is lost when individuals interpret the scriptures without knowing what reasons or situations they were meant to address. Moreover, he argues that most house hold chores in scripted in the biblical scriptures were out of assumption and that the current household set-up is totally different from the ancient one as times has changes and the sin that was committed by man and woman are already forgiven by the coming of Jesus. He points out that maybe some of the ancient house hold codes are outdated because the coming of Christ symbolized a new beginning for Christians and even the marriage institution. He argues out that in the current family set-up both husband and wife are considered equals and are tasked equally with the house hold codes and cores. In addition, both parties present in a marriage set-up are both considered family heads and no party should be undervalued over the other as the body can not function without the body (Charles, 2001). Reflection In my opinion, the article has played a significant role in helping me to understand the meaning of the question that Talbert is attempting to answer. It has broadened my theological convictions and moral habits as I now take my time to reflect and understand the different scriptures when faced by different situations especially in relationship issues. The approach used in tackling the question by Talbert is excellent because he tries to determine the context from which the Ephesians teachings were derived. He questions the originality of the scriptures by comparing how ancient Christians and current Christians understood and interpreted the orders. Reference Charles, T. (2001). “ Are There Biblical Norms for Christian Marriage?”. Journal of Family Ministry1, 15(1), 16-27.

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AssignBuster. 2021. "Analysis of are there biblical norms for christian marriage artcicle." December 30, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/analysis-of-are-there-biblical-norms-for-christian-marriage-artcicle/.

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AssignBuster. "Analysis of are there biblical norms for christian marriage artcicle." December 30, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/analysis-of-are-there-biblical-norms-for-christian-marriage-artcicle/.

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"Analysis of are there biblical norms for christian marriage artcicle." AssignBuster, 30 Dec. 2021, assignbuster.com/analysis-of-are-there-biblical-norms-for-christian-marriage-artcicle/.

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