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Ama computer university

AMA Computer University Life and Works of Dr. Jose Rizal Handout =========================================================== LESSON 1: What is a Hero? Rizal Law (R. A. 1425) Introduction Taking up Rizal course for credits, like reading Shakespeare to get by in English courses, can be tiresome for the youth. If reading and discussing the text about Rizal cannot be fun, then it will just be like a cold stone without elaboration. To discuss about a hero is taking him as a person with flesh and blood not as a deity or a supernatural being that is an object of reverence without understanding. To appreciate a hero like Rizal, we must be able to learn more about him — not his acts but the thoughts behind his acts, his reasons, his experiences and his works that are relevant to our time and place. We should study Rizal as a person — his intelligence, courage, compassion nationalism and also his weakness like being a womanizer, violent, and short-tempered that complete him as a human being. When we realize that he is like us, then, we can truly appreciate his being human and his great and exemplary deeds are word emulating. Objectives : At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: 1. Value the true meaning of heroism and the criteria set by the National Heroes Committee (NHC) 2. Examine the policy on the selection and proclamation of national heroes; 3. Understand the Rizal law and its implication to the current educational system; 4. Realize that Rizal was an ordinary human being, and not a God or God-like. Definition of a hero: According to the dictionary: – a hero is a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities and regarded as an ideal or model – the central figure in an event, period or movement, honored for outstanding qualities – he/she is someone who shows great courage in an important event – a hero is a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities and regarded as an ideal or model – the central figure in an event, period or movement, honored for outstanding qualities – he/she is someone who shows great courage in an important event According to Dr. Esteban de Ocampo, a known Filipino historian, as stated in his book about Rizal that: “ a hero means a prominent or central personage taking an admirable part in any remarkable action or event; a person of distinguished valor or enterprise in danger, or fortitude in suffering; and a man honored after death by public worship because of exceptional service to mankind. ” Who will set the criteria for the recognition of the national hero? No law, executive order or proclamation has been enacted or issued officially proclaiming any Filipino historical figure as a national hero. However, because of their significant roles in the process of nation building and contributions to history, there were laws enacted and proclamations issued honoring these heroes. But according to historians, heroes, should not be legislated. Their appreciation should be better left to academics. Acclamation for heroes, they felt, would be recognition enough. Executive Order No. 75 “ National Heroes Committee” Issued by President Fidel V. Ramon on March 28, 1993 creating the National Heroes Committee under the Office of the President. The principal duty of the Committee is to study, evaluate and recommend Filipino national personages/heroes in due recognition of their sterling character and remarkable achievements for the country. The Technical Committee of the National Heroes Committee had a meeting on June 3, 1993 in Manila and adopted the following criteria: 1. Heroes are those who have a concept of nation and thereafter aspire and struggle for the nation’s freedom. 2. Heroes are those who define and contribute to a system or life of freedom and order for a nation. 3. Heroes are those who contribute to the quality of life and destiny of a nation. In another round-table discussion held on November 15, 1995, the NHC Technical Committee further adopted the criteria submitted by Dr. Alfredo Lagmay, as follows: 1. A hero is part of the people’s expression, but that process of a people’s internalization of a hero’s life and works takes time, with the youth forming part of that internalization. 2. A hero thinks of the future, especially the future generations. 3. The choice of hero involves not only the recounting of an episode or events in history, but of the entire process that made this particular person a hero On November 15, 1995 , the Technical Committee after deliberation and careful study based on Dr. Onofre D. Corpuz’ and Dr. Alfredo Lagmay’s criteria selected the following nine Filipino historical figures to be recommended as National Heroes: a. Jose Rizal f. Marcelo H. del Pilar b. Andres Bonifacio g. Sultan Dipatuan Kudarat c. Emilio Aguinaldo h. Juan Luna d. Apolinario Mabini i. Gabriela Silang e. Melchora Aquino What makes a person a hero then? A person to be considered a hero must have his works relevant to our time and place. To be able to appreciate that person a hero, we must learn more about him — not merely his acts, his reasons, the situations he found himself in, and his motivations. To study Rizal, do not treat him like god, as he becomes unattainable and his accomplishments inhuman, but study Rizal deeper. You see him as he truly was- compassionate, nationalistic, intelligent, courageous, short-tempered, womanizer, gambler, violent and sometimes rash. When we realize that he is like us, that his deeds are not impossible to imitate, we will realize his humanity and that we will be truly inspired by his heroism. Laws Honoring/ Commemorating Filipino Historical Figures- for Dr. Rizal A. Decree of December 20, 1898 , issued by General Emilio Aguinaldo, declared December 30 of every year a day of national mourning in honor of Dr. Jose Rizal and other victims of the Philippine Revolution. B. Act No. 137, which organized the politico-military district of Morong into the Province of Rizal, was the first official step taken by the Taft Commission to honor our greatest hero and martyr. What is the Rizal Law or R. A. 1425? An Act to include in the Curricula of All Public and Private Schools, Colleges and Universities courses on the Life Works and Writings of JOSE RIZAL, particularly his novels NOLI ME TANGERE and EL FILIBUSTERISMO. SEC. 1 Courses on the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, shall be included in the curricula of all schools, colleges and universities, public or private; Provided, That in the collegiate courses, the original or unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo or their English translations shall be used as basic texts. SEC. 2 It shall be obligatory on all schools, colleges and universities to keep in their libraries an adequate number of copies of the original and expurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, as well as Rizal’s other works and biography. The said unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo or their translations in English as well as other writings of Rizal shall be included in the list of approved books for required reading in all public or private schools, colleges and universities. SEC. 3 The Board of National education shall cause the translation of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, as well as other writings of Jose Rizal into English, Tagalog and the principal Philippine dialects; cause them to be printed in cheap, popular editions; and cause them to be distributed, free of charge, to persons desiring to read them, through the Purok organizations and the Barrio Councils throughout the country. Patriotic Objectives of the Rizal Law 1. To recognize the relevance of Rizal’s ideals, thoughts, teachings, and life values to present conditions in the community and the country and apply them in the solution of day-to-day situations and problems of contemporary life; 2. To develop an understanding and appreciation of the qualities, behavior, and character of Rizal as well as his thoughts and ideas, and thus foster the development of moral character, personal discipline, citizenship and vocational efficiency. 3. To comply with the patriotic objectives of the Rizal Law given by the late Senator Jose P. Laurel. Senator Jose P. Laurel said… Rizal was the founder of the Filipino nationality . He was the architect of the Filipino nation…I dare say that we cannot know him without knowing and imbibing the great principles and ideals for which he stood and died. Rizal believed that as we should that we teach the young men and the young women, the boys and girls in all schools that virtue is the only foundation of national greatness. By approving this measure… It is hoped that the future generations and the generations after us by reading the life, teachings, courage, and determination in order that we may continue forward our never ending pilgrimage to a full, greater and more abundant life. Rizal, as an example of SACRIFICE – He preferred to work through peaceful means of reforms to seek equality for his people under Spanish laws(He could have enjoyed the fruits of his family’s abundance and rubbed elbows with the Spanish officials and the “ illustrados”. – He spent his life abroad in hunger and poverty – He missed the company of his parents, brothers and sisters who have been persecuted by the Spanish government – When he returned home, he no longer held his life in his hands Rizal, His Ideas: A Reply to the Challenges of the Millenium – His social and civic virtues – embodied in his noblest aspirations for his country and his people. – by consciously and clear-headedly accepting the ultimate sacrifice of DEATH. – His field of action that lays in the strife of politics and power, but were not in his inclinations – He shouldered his political burden solely in the cause of duty – A circumstance rendering him one of the figures rare in human affairs – A revolutionary without hatred – A leader without worldly ambition – He exemplified the virtues of honesty, personal integrity, civic responsibility, social values of peace, justice, family, solidarity civic responsibility, patriotism and national dignity for his people, survive and endure in this new millennium – In this millennium.. the very values and virtues(human honor and dignity, freedom and independence, desire for mutual respect, and material well being) embodied in the spirit of RIZALISM will form the core of humanity’s aspirations despite adjustments that must be accommodated by the new reality of evolved technology and scientific advances far superior than the knowledge of the previous millenium – Rizal, a Modern-Day Hero as compared to a Victorian hero Victorian hero — one who is usually a dashing oriental knight in shining armor, prudent, dashing, cool under pressure A Modern-day Hero… -Rizal conquered his inferiorities – He responded to the challenge of conquering himself – He was able to accept great responsibility- he gave his own life for his country – From a weak and frail child, Jose Rizal rose to become one of the tallest men in history. Conclusion The hero is an expression of people’s acceptance of his/her contribution to the development of the nation. It is not just a popular belief but the consistent recognition and acknowledgment not only of his contemporaries but also the next generation. Dr. Rizal is truly a hero exceptional in his ideas, works and decisions. VII. References: Agoncillo, T. A.(1956). The revolt of the masses: The study of Bonifacio and Katipunan. Quezon City: UP Press. Pasigui, R. E and Cabalu, D. H. (2006). Jose Rizal: The man the hero (An anthology of legacies and controversies). Quezon City: C.&E Publishing, Inc. Capino, D. et al. (2005). Rizal’s life, works and writings: Their impact on our national identity. Quezon City: Bookman, Inc. AMA Computer University Life and Works of Dr. Jose Rizal Handout LESSON 2: ➢ HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE 19th CENTURY: SPAIN AND THE PHILIPPINES ➢ Rizal as a political philosopher ➢ Reform and the Revolution Objectives Examine the historical background of the rise of nationalism and in the context of Rizal’s ideas. â�– 19th CENTURY SPAIN – Spain during the first three quarters of the 19th century was a country of instability and chaos. – Conquered by Napoleon Bonaparte, he made his brother Joseph as king. – Guerilla warfare against the French ensued – In 1812 a constitution was made by the Liberal Cortes – Ferdinand VII was restored to power by 1814, he returned to absolute government – Civil wars broke out between the Liberals and Carlists (supporters of Don Carlos) – Maria Cristina as regent of her infant daughter Isabella (successor to the throne under the terms of Pragmatic Sanction) – 1868 a revolution against Isabella took place and she was forced to abdicate Alfonso XII of Spain became king, which finally brought Spain into a period of stability and reform â�– Philippines in the 19th Century: Economic Development – Manila-Acapulco Galleon Trade – Reforms made by Gov. Gen. Jose Basco y Vargas – 1830 — growth of export economy from the British and American merchants – Philippines exported agricultural products resulting to the growth and profit of Filipino hacienderos and inquilinos of the friar haciendas – Economic Development as a whole is a non-Spanish initiative Opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 â�– The Philippine Society â�– The Native Population PRINCIPALIA they are the rich landowners; local gov’t officials ILLUSTRADO educated middle-class Common People they are the majority of or Masses the class; workers â�– Political Development – Spain has no consistent policy for the overseas colonies – Philippines was used as a dumping ground to reward Spanish officials – Rampant corruption in the Government – Governor-general was the chief executive with the widest of powers â�– Cultural Development – 1860 spread of education —rise of Ilustrados – 1859- Ateneo Municipal run by the Jesuits – 1865- Escuela Normal de Maestros – Humanistic Education in literature, science and philosophy – Experience of Filipino students in Spain â�– Religious Development – Religious Orders played a dominant part in Philippine life – Government relied heavily on the friars to maintain Spanish power – Secularization issue between the regular and secular clergy (Filipino parish priests vs. Dominicans, Augustinians, Recollects and etc.) – Cavite Mutiny that led to the execution of GOMBURZA (Jose Burgos, Mariano Gomez and Jacinto Zamora) in Bagumbayan Rizal as an “ illustrado” – He criticized the Spanish government officials for failing to provide adequate services. “ Illustrado” philosophy FOCUS: To promote self-government Rizal — waged a relentless campaign to ameliorate the lot of his people through his political writings and ideas Rizal’s political views: – To seek self-reliant, self-respecting government, and a “ people’s government, made for the people, by the people and answerable to the people. ” – Advanced practical solutions to domestic as well as international problems – Reforms must come from above to be more effective Basic Political Reforms 1. The restoration of Filipino representation to the Spanish Cortes and freedom of the press 2. Reorganization of the administrative machinery 3. Adoption of a comprehensive examination and the publication of its results and allowing Filipinos to have the same opportunity with the Spaniards to hold government office 4. Justice is the foundation of society and the government Rizal’s Concept of Government and Politics “ In order to govern peoples he does not know or understand, he ought to possess the talent of a genius and extraordinary knowledge. ” Rizal’s Definition of Basic Political Terms 1. Political Culture — is a set of ideas, values and attitudes about government and the political process held by a community or nation “ without education and liberty… no reform is possible” 2. Political Socialization — the process by which people, at various stages in their lives, acquire views and orientations about politics. Rizal… emphasized the importance of being a Filipino. His goal was to promote the political aspirations of the Filipino people for life, democracy and happiness. 3. Political Ideology — comprehensive and logically ordered set of beliefs about the nature of people and about the institutions and role of the government. Rizal… to overcome strife and achieve triumph at the end 4. Nationalism — the idea of oneness by a group of people who possess common traditions, a shared history, a set of goals, and a belief in the specific future. Rizal… “ He is the father of his country” 5. Representative Government – the notion that the people have an inherent right to sit in a chamber that determines their future Rizal… Filipino representation in the Spanish Cortes was essential to the governing process 6. Democracy — a government in which all power is shared by citizens. Rizal…best government was a mixture of representative democracy and responsible model of democracy – Filipinos to actively participate in local government – National government officials to make decisions and bring results to the local level Rizal Would Criticize Today’s Society – Unstable economic and political situation of the country – confusions brought about by the allegations of electoral fraud and cheating – filibustering (long speeches consuming and wasting precious time) – How priests spend the money of the church today – More vigilant on the maladministration of justice for the people – Criticize the prevailing graft and corruption in the bureau – Criticize the “ gambling lords”, those receiving “ jueteng payola” Rizal… His moral, political, spiritual and economic legacies would still apply to this day. The Revolution RIZAL vs BONIFACIO RIZAL — a reformist BONIFACIO — a revolutionary The LIGA — a crusade for national unity and prosperity The Katipunan – pursued liberty, equality, and brotherhood – it assumed after the LIGA – a secret society intended to march for freedom Its membership was meant to be an act of self-surrender for the sake of the greater good of the country. Kartilla — embodied the articles of faith of the Katipunan. – a testament drafted by Emilio Jacinto that emphasized on: purposeful life, equality, charity, good character, integrity, honor, trustworthiness, concern for and defense of the oppressed, respect for women, golden rule, love of country and commitment The patriotic ideals of the LIGA and the nationalistic courage of the KATIPUNAN were the essential ingredients that ignited the flame of the first nationalist revolution in Asia against a colonial rule. â�– Conclusion The development of Rizal’s ideas and of nationalism is composed of different factors. …The reformist spirit of RIZAL and the revolutionary fervor of BONIFACIO became the initial nourishment of the soul of the nation. Both the events in Spain and her policies in the Philippines paved the way for nationalism to develop. Spain can no longer prolong her administration since reforms were far from her agenda. AMA Computer University Life and Works of Dr. Jose Rizal Handout LESSON 3 â�– The evolution of Nationalism in the Filipino consciousness Objectives – To assess the roots of nationalism to the Filipino consciousness – To examine the background of Rizal in lieu of his nationalist ideas â�– What is nationalism? – The term ” nationalism” is generally used to describe two phenomena: 1) the attitude that the members of a nation have when they care about their national identity and 2) the actions that the members of a nation take when seeking to achieve (or sustain) self-determination. – It is traditional, therefore, to distinguish nations from states – whereas a nation often consists of an ethnic or cultural community, a state is a political entity with a high degree of sovereignty. While many states are nations in some sense, there are many nations which are not fully sovereign states. – Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy â�– Origins of Nationalism – Higher education in the colony (Philippines) was not totally far from Spain – There was “ lack of academic freedom” in the Philippines because the Spaniards wanted to suppress it —Liberal ideas that prevailed in Spain stays in Spain – In 1863 Spanish became the official medium of instruction in schools – Most Filipinos study abroad for a better education – In Europe like in Germany and France, liberal ideas were apparent – their writing of history and its philosophy influenced Rizal about the idea of an identity — he annotated Morga’s Succesos delas Islas Felipinas – The Propaganda Movement served as a catalyst for the creation of national consciousness , a sense of one Filipino people not just merely Tagalogs, Visayans, and Ilokanos but a people united under a Spanish colonial rule but one people with a common destiny of its own. – The ideas of Fr. Jose Burgos became the precursor of the nationalist ideas of Rizal – Burgos and all the priests executed or exiled in 1872, studied in the University of Santo Tomas run by the Dominican Order â�– The Cavite Mutiny and GOMBURZA – January 20, 1872 members of the artillery posted at the Cavite arsenal rose in arms led by the native Sgt. La Madrid – Governor-general Rafael Izquierdo ordered the Permanent War Councils in Manila and Cavite to investigate, try the mutineers, and punish the guilty as the law demanded – After the fight has ended, the names of Filipino priests were brought up and some wealthy liberals who will be exiled later on. – They are: Frs. Burgos and Zamora (assigned to the Manila Cathedral), Guevarra (pastor of Quiapo), Sevilla, Mariano Gomez, and Feliciano Gomez (nephew of Mariano), and the lawyers Joaquin Pardo de Tavera (professor of law at the University of Santo Tomas) and Antonio Ma. Regidor – Francisco Zaldua became the witness of the government against the Filipino priests; he was the first to be executed. – The three priests were found guilty and they were executed in Bagumbayan in front of the populace. “ Had it not been for the events of 1872, Rizal would have been a Jesuit! ” —Rizal **Rizal dedicated his El Filibusterismo and the justification of his career to the martyrdom of the three priests. â�– Rizal’s Background – Both his parent’s side had been people of substance and influence, well above the average of their times. – Doña Teodora’s family was the more distinguished — Her father was a deputy for the Philippines in the Cortes, he was also her teacher — Her brother was educated in Europe and spoke German, English, Spanish and French; he was also a knight in the Order of Isabel the Catholic — Her maternal grandfather, Manuel de Quintos, had been a well-known lawyer in Manila — Both Don Lorenzo and his father Don Cipriano had been mayors of Biñang ➢ Rizal’s family on the father’s side, Don Francisco, the Mercados, had been originally merchants who shifted to agriculture – Juan Mercado, Francisco’s father, had been thrice mayor of Binang – Rizal’s father moved to Kalamba to cultivate lands leased from the Dominicans, who became one of the town’s wealthiest men — Jose himself had an aya, a nanny or personal servant; when he was old enough his father engaged a private tutor for him who taught him reading, writing, and the rudiments of Latin — Later he would study in private schools, go to the university, finish his courses abroad â�– Jose Rizal: THE PRIME MOVER OF ASIAN NATIONALISM – Rizal is recognized as the most prestigious and dedicated 19th century nationalist. – He was responsible in awakening Asia to the concept of nationalism (Austin Coates) – His poems, letters, and many articles showed his love of country , patriotism love of parents, his happiness, his sorrows The State of the Philippines: The Background on Rizal’s Nationalism “ To better understand and appreciate the role of Jose Rizal in the making of a Filipino nation one has to know the developments in the century when he lived, the period when he worked. The 19th century was a period of CHALLENGES and RESPONSES. It was a period of major changes which affected men and society. The important changes of the century: 1. The Struggle for Nationalism People had a strong identification with the values, the heroes and the trials of a country. 2. The Fight for Democracy Representative government. 3. Modernization of living through industrial revolution – transportation – creation of machines – increased population – stimulation of nationalism – growth of liberalism – migration – establishment of factories – growth of liberalism -birth of laissez-faire 4. March of Imperialism – activity of a nation extending its control and authority beyond its territorial boundaries through the acquisition of territories 5. Growing Confidence in progress which inspired optimism – adoption of the laissez-faire policy – government to own and manage means of production – Advocation of the abolition of private property as espoused by Karl Marx – Implementation by the Church, through Pope Leo XIII of “ Reruym Novarum” a. Respect for human rights b. Promotion of social consideration of the duty of public authority to prevent and punish injury c. Special consideration of the poor and the helpless in questions of protecting the rights of the individuals d. The right of the State to regulate the use of private property and protect it e. Preservation of life as the duty of each and all members of society f. The duty of the State to provide favorable working conditions g. The right of workers to form unions Rizal’s Concept of Nationalism 1. National sentiment — the feeling of affinity and oneness towards the nation 2. Conformity, like-mindedness, consciousness and common action (Hans Kohn) 3. A collective action for reform or revolution 4. Desire of the members of a nation to govern themselves Nationalism according to Rizal was FREEDOM: – From the friars and Spanish government control – Freedom of speech, education, economic rights, open competition in the market and freedom of the press – The strongest aspect of Rizal’s nationalism is his concept of local history – Five Determining Factors in the Early Development of Rizal’s Nationalism 1. He emphasized the importance of the Tagalog language and its impact upon the Philippines 2. He was openly critical of the friars. 3. He defended Filipino civil rights. 4. He discovered the power of the pen. 5. He conceived a form of gradual nationalism. Nationalist ideas of Jose Rizal 1. Faith in god 2. Love of Country 3. Preservation of Asian heritage 4. Adoption of native language 5. Dignity of an individual 6. Equality of the races 7. Inviolability of human rights 8. Rights of women 9. Education of the masses 10. Republican form of government 11. Rule of Law 12. Enlightened citizenship for good government 13. World unity and brotherhood of nations Four Reasons for Modern nationalism 1. The city of Manila and its relationship to the Spanish government and the church, helped to foment revolution. 2. The relationship between the friars and Spanish government was tenuous and often fragile one. 3. The Chinese mestizo, who came is as a merchant 4. “ Backwater nationalism” the extensive development of local government CONCLUSION: Since Rizal did not directly experience any hardships like the masses or the underprivileged due to his background, Rizal’s nationalism was essentially rationalist, anti-racist, anti-clerical-political rather than social or economic. The basis of most revolutions are the ideas set by the privileged, intellectual class not the masses. It is the educated class who will supply the intellectual basis, the moral justification, the technical skills needed to established a new order. AMA Computer University Life and Works of Dr. Jose Rizal Handout Lesson 4: Biography of Dr. Jose Rizal: Early Life Objectives *Examine the childhood life of Dr. Jose Rizal until his studies in Ateneo and UST *Analyze the early experiences of Dr. Rizal that gave way for the realization of injustice and discrimination under the Spanish rule in the Philippines. Rizal-Mercado Family – The Rizal family is considered as one of the biggest family during their time Domingo Lam-co, the family’s paternal ascendant was Chinese who came to the Philippines from Amoy, China in the closing years of the 17th century and married a half-Chinese by the name of Ines de la Rosa. Jose Protacio Realonda Alonzo Mercado Rizal – Known to a “ child of a good family” – Jose was born on June 19, 1861 – Calamba, Laguna(between 11 and 12 at night) – He was the seventh of eleventh children, the younger of two boys and with nine sisters all in all – Rizal-Mercado Family – FRANCISCO MERCADO (1818-1898) – Father of Jose Rizal who was the youngest of 13 off springs of Juan and Cirila Mercado. Born in Biñan, Laguna on April 18, 1818; studied in San Jose College, Manila; and died in Manila. Francisco Mercado Y Chinco – A prosperous landowner – Sugar and rice planter – Well educated having studied Latin and Philosophy – Trader – TEODORA ALONSO (1827-1913) – The second child of Lorenzo Alonso and Brijida de Quintos. Studied at the Colegio de Santa Rosa. Teodora Alonso – a business-minded woman, courteous, religious, hard-working and well-read. – One of the most highly educated women in the Phil. that time – A gifted woman with insights in literature, art, music and other forms of Filipino culture – A fine mathematician, gourmet cook, interior decorator, collector of fine books – Was of Ilocano-Tagalog- Chinese-Spanish descent Jose Florentino – Uncle of Rizal – Elected to the Spanish Cortes – Distinguished government servant – inspiration of Rizal to be a government servant too The Name: Jose Protacio Realonda Alonso Rizal Mercado Jose — was named after – St. Joseph – From uncle, lolo and other siblings Protacio — St. Protacio a martyr. – Filipino priest baptized him; secular Archbishop confirmed Rizal — a shortened form of the Spanish word “ second crop”, seemed suited to a family of farmers who were making a second start in a new home Mercado was attached to Rizal to avoid confusion Realonda — was adopted by Francisco’s mother in law that gave Teodora a middle name Realonda Saturnina (1850-1913), eldest of the Rizal children, became the wife of Manuel T. Hidalgo of Tanauan, Batangas. Paciano, the second child in the family and Rizal’s only brother. Narcisa (1852-1939), third Rizal, was married to Antonio Lopez, a teacher of Morong, Rizal. Olympia (1855-1887), fourth Rizal child, was married to Silvestre Ubaldo. She died of childbirth in 1887. Lucia (1857-1919), fifth Rizal child, was the wife of Mariano Herbosa. Maria (1859-1945), the sixth Rizal child, became the wife of Daniel Faustino Cruz of Biñan, Laguna Trinidad (1868-1951), the tenth Rizal child. Soledad (1870-1929), the youngest Rizal child became the wife of Pantaleon Quintero. Rizal’s Childhood – Top flight student – “ UTE” by his siblings – “ Pepe” or “ Pepito” to the town people of Calamba – Was struck by tragedy with the death of his favorite sister Concha – 1868 (7 yrs. Old), he wrote a comedy for the local fiesta – A voracious reader, was able to read at age of 3 – Was influenced greatly by his mother in his education and development of interest in poetry, music and European literature – Readings in Tagalog poetry and assignments in Phil. History inculcated sense of Filipino culture Early Religious Writings – Ode to Jesus (1875) (To the child Jesus) – a poem of eight verse only – “ A La Virgen Maria” (To the Virgin Mary) – a sonnet – Alianza intima la religion y la education” The Parable of the Moth – Was an inspiration to Rizal – He said, it was not possible to conquer insurmountable odds and be a martyr in reality but never an illusion Early Religious Formation – Very religious coming from a family of Catholics – Learned common Catholic prayers at an early age – Her mother taught him to be God-fearing – Devotee of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Blessed Mother Early Education in Biñan – Instruction during this time was quite rigid and strict – Knowledge was forced to its students through memory method aided with a whip – Jose did not like his experience in Biñan under his teacher Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz who never forget to whip him or punished him with blows in an open palm even when he was good in class – He was advanced beyond his teachers – Primarily educated himself in the family library and through conversation with family and friends. Ateneo de Municipal – where the future Filipino nationalist began his early education – a secondary school that offered rigorous courses almost equivalent to college academics – was run by the Jesuits that made the school the finest school in the Philippines – Subjects include: Christian doctrine, Sacred History Latin, Spanish , Greek, French, English, Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Universal History, Spanish History, Latin Literature, Rhetoric and Poetics, Social Ethics, Psychology, Logic and Other Branches of Philosophy – In Ateneo, Rizal began his education that would solidify his political thoughts – Won a special prize in poetry“ A La Juventud Filipina” – he cultivated the intellectual direction which led to hisnationalistic writings – While in Ateneo, he developed into a first-rate student – was remembered as original thinker, a creative scholar, and a natural leader – his noticeable change in his education was his mastery of Spanish – Father Francisco de Paula Sanchez recognized Rizal’s talent as a poet – Fr. Jose Vilaclara instructed Rizal in the sciences and philosophy – “ Por la Educacion Recibe Lustre la Patria” (Through Education the Fatherland Receives Glory) suggests his desire to be a nationalist – He proved to be an outstanding student, capturing many honours in literary and artistic competitions. In fact, his report cards were usually marked with sobresaliente (excellent) – On the spiritual side, he was a pious child, fervently praying and he was a Prefect of the Sodality of Our Lady with Fr. Pablo Pastells, S. J. as the Director. – His course in Ateneo was completed with highest honors but his credentials were issued two years later because he was not of legal age; he was deemedas an “ agricultural expert and surveyor” – He received his bachelor’s degree in Arts with highest honors in Ateneo on March 14, 1877 – The following year, he took his philosophy course at the University of Santo Tomas and agriculture in the Ateneo. Lack of Intellectual Growth – was the early problems with Rizal’s education University of Santo Tomas – A Dominican school, where Rizal continued his vision of Philippine Nationalism – his academic lessons in UST were so influential upon his intellectual development – UST prompted Rizal to consider a European education – UST intensified Rizal’s interest in literature, science and Philosophy – it also helped him developed patriotic sentiment – his political thoughts were influenced by the philosophers – he was infatuated with the idea that knowledge and education were the keys to the future – he was inspired to continue his education in Madrid As a Thomasian – He took medicine because of his ailing mother along with arts and letters – Rizal left on May 3, 1882 boarding on a Spanish ship that took him first to Singapore then France and a train going to Spain – In September he left for the Spanish capital to enroll in Universidad Central de Madrid. In Universidad Central de Madrid – Continued his courses in philosophy and letters and medicine – had lessons in painting and drawing and languages under special teachers – 1884, he received the degree of licentiate in medicine and the following year (24th birthday) his degree in philosophy and letters with the highest honors – In 1885 went to Paris and continued his medical studies under an eye specialist – Next year, Rizal went to Germany to study ophthalmology and was registered at Dr. Wecker’s clinic – he wanted to study law but his brother discouraged him – was never really a “ doctor” AMA Computer University Life and Works of Dr. Jose Rizal Handout Lesson 5: Biography of Dr. Jose Rizal: Life in Europe Objectives: – Examine the personal experiences of Rizal in Europe in lieu of the development of his ideals Rizal in Europe – It was in May 5, 1882 when Rizal embarked on a journey to Spain – When he reached Barcelona, Spain, he came in contact with some Filipinos who were plotting a revolution which did not appealed to him for he favored education rather than revolution. – He received his first letter from Paciano informing him how his father learned their plans. – ” When the telegram was received in Calamba telling us of your departure, our parents were distracted, but especially our old father, who became silent, staying in his room, and wept, and refused to be consoled by his family, the priest, or anybody else… Seeing this and fearing that his silence might develop into an illness, I told him the whole story, but to him alone, asking him to keep the secret, which he promised to do; then he seemed to become a little content and returned to his usual activities. . . . This is why I believe you should go on to Madrid, the center of all the provinces. . . . it is better for you to be there with your countrymen, who will be able to advise you while you are not yet in the current of things. . . .” – In June 1882 he wrote an article entitled “ El amor patrio” (love of country/patriotism) for the Diariong Tagalog (a short-lived Manila newspaper) published by Basilio Teodoro – When he arrived in Madrid, he became a member of Circulo Hispano-Filipino founded by Juan Atayde (a Spaniard from Manila) – The club published a review where Rizal and the other expatriates like Lopez Jaena contributed some articles – He left Barcelona for Madrid where he enrolled at the Universidad Central for a course leading to a licentiate in medicine and also took up the course in philosophy and letters. – Not contented with his courses, he also enrolled in painting and sculpture at the Academia de San Fernando, plus more lessons in French, English and German at the Madrid Ateneo, and still more lessons in fencing at the schools of Sanz and Carbonell. – In January 1883, he informs his family that “ I am now studying Italian and have made a bet that I shall be able to speak it in two months. ” – In year or two, Rizal’s money dwindled for his father was having a hard time sending him money directly for fear of being questioned by the Dominican Order for which his family was a tenant of a land owned by the religious order. – ” There came a time when he reduced his daily expenses for food to thirty-five centavos. On June 24, 1884, the day on which he won a prize in a competition in Greek, he did not eat at all, because he lacked money. He used second-hand clothes which he bought from a pawnshop.” The next day he wrote in his diary: ” I am hungry and I have nothing to eat and no money.” – His way of relieving himself of homesickness was in devoting his time to study. In Medicine he received ” fair” in two subjects, ” good” in four, and ” excellent” in two. In his course in Philosophy and Letters he received ” good” in one (History of Spain), ” very good” in one, ” excellent” in four, ” excellent with prize” in one (Greek and Latin Literature), and ” excellent with free scholarship” in two (Spanish Literature and the Arabic language). – He received his licentiate in 1885 but had no money to pay for his Doctor’s degree. He waited three more years before his brother could send him enough, and at 24 years old he became Dr. Rizal – While studying, he also encountered books which lefta deep imprint on his ideals – Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Eugene Sue’s The Wandering Jew that motivated him to write his own book – He received his licentiate in 1885 but had no money to pay for his Doctor’s degree. He waited three more years before his brother could send him enough, and at 24 years old he became Dr. Rizal – In June 1885, he went to Paris to study under the famous Dr. Louis de Wecker where he had mastered the technique of eye operation. – In the middle of the year, he went to Germany and attended lectures at the University of Heidelberg. He lived with Pastor Dr. Karl Ullmer, a Lutheran minister, with whom he took delightful walks nearly every afternoon, learning much about German religious ideas. – After 3 months of finishing his short course, he transferred to the University of Leipzig to study psychology and history. Here he met a historian friend Prof. Friedrich Ratzel, one of the historians who helped change the methods of historical research. – He continued to write Noli Me Tangere with great inspiration which was finished in Berlin on Feb. 22, 1887 ” I did not believe that Noli Me Tangere would ever be published. I was in Berlin, heartbroken, weakened, and discouraged from hunger and deprivation. I was on the point of throwing my work into the fire as a thing accursed and fit only to die; . . . .” – His friend Maximo Viola, a rich young Filipino sent him a telegram saying he was on his way to Berlin that will give hope to Jose. – ” It revived me,” said Rizal. ” It gave me new hope. I went to the station to receive him and spoke to him about my work. He said he might be able to help me. I reflected and then decided to shorten the book, and eliminated whole chapters. . . . but these will have a place in the continuation. . . . I plan to publish seven volumes about Philippine conditions.” – It was Maximo Viola who financed the publication of Noli Me Tangere – Bound copies were sent to Barcelona and Madrid – Dr. Viola will also bring Jose in a hiking trip to Germany, Switzerland, and Austria where they will also visit Dr. Adolph Meyer and Ferdinand Blumentritt – After a visit to Vienna, Rome, and a few other cities of Italy, Dr. Rizal took a ship from Marseilles and started home on July 5, 1887, at last ready to operate upon the cataracts in his mother’s eyes. – Rizal’s life in Europe focuses on the ff. points: 1. That the other Filipino youth in Spain became lax in their studies, that made him disappointed; 2. That he focused so hard on his studies — taking up as many possible subjects as he can get 3. That he loved learning so much especially on the languages that interests him Rizal’s life in Europe focuses on the ff. points: 4. He found the liberal ideas in Europe that inspired him to write the Noli Me Tangere 5. He also experienced hardships particularly on the finances but he did not lose hope instead he focused on his tasks and studies A. On Aden — the Desert — Suez — Canal Town is composed of hillocks and rocks, all bare and arid, without even a plant lonely houses, quiet and deserted street. Shops have skin of lion, tiger, panther, and leopard, ostrich eggs and feathers. Children fan travelrs for a living. Suez Canal – Opened in the middle of the desert of sand and stone — 85 kilometers long and 80 varas wide. – Long but not straight. – People are poor – Rizal tasted apricots, cherries and green almonds B. On Port Said — Napoli — Marseille Sightseeing — Barcelona Port Said (partakes much of Africa and Europe) – Commercial, gay and quite beautiful, but dirty and corrupt – Population is heterogeneous ; European, Turks, Greeks, Egyptians, Negroes Napoli (Naples) – Gigantic city which lay asleep beside Versuvius, a volcano that seems to be guarding the beautiful city – Elegant edifices: Royal Palace, Castle of Santelmo, numerous hotels, Tower of Massaniello, lugubrious State prison – First European city he passed Marseille – Most elegant city seen by Rizal – Statues, fountains, monuments, arches, tall houses, show-windows glittering for lavish use of gift and crystal Barcelona – Impression was very unpleasant – Poor and vulgar – Streets were dirty, houses of poor architecture – Hotel service and accommodation were poor – But, women seemed to be more beautiful than the women of Marseille C . Paris – Lavish, historical, grand – Buildings are tall, place of great men – Hotels are are grand D. Tokyo – Very big, they said bigger than Paris – That time, Manila was more beautiful – Japanese houses are low-odd-looking like cages of rabbits, very clean, with paper walls, white mats on the floor – Japanese people make no noise, loud voices are not heard, they sit quietly in their stores – Women are short, stout, fair and their cheeks are red – Some men were dressed in European style and resemble greatly thjose from Biñan E. The Ship : City of Rome” – 2nd largest ship in the world (largestbeing the Great Eastern) – Size is 200 varas long and 1b varas wide, three chimneys, 12k hp, 63 broilers, consumes three tons of coal daily – Aboard from New Yoirk to Liverpool, London F. Madrid – Sky is limpid blue even in cool winter – Air is perfumed especially in Valencia and Antalucia – Women are beautiful, passionate, naïve, natural, born to love, living for love , and dying for having loved – One of the gayest cities in the world which combines the spirits of Europe and the East – The best in Madrid was middle class: amiable, distinguished, educated, frank, dignified, chivalrous, hospitable, little aristocratic – True Madrilenian was appearing (as observed by Rizal) – Climate was horrible – Houses poorly constructed – Life was spent in cafes and restaurants where one talks about politics and bullfights, argues, debates, shouts, smiles, fights without being sure of the motives or causes of the difference of opinions A. Rizal in Spain : the Beginning of Noli – Wrote “ El amor Patria” (love of country) or “ patriotism” short after his arrival in Spain – Appeared in Manila newspaper Diariong Tagalog and alerted Spanish officials to rizal’s nationalistic tendencies Rizal in Spain – Poem was popular among reformists in Manila and asked to send more copies – November 3, 1882, he matriculated at Central University of Madrid – Pursued two courses — one in medicine, and the other in philosophy and letters Jose to Parents and Brothers – Related his second day in school with all seriousness, among his professors of medicine is Marquis of Busto in obstetrical clinic – Planned to take law course which lasts for 7 years or philosophy and letters (literature) for 3 years Still in Spain – Studied painting and sculpture at the Academy of San Carlos and drawing at Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid – Found time tostudy French, German, and English – His varied education helped him assimilate all these influences into his nationalistic thoughts and writings Spain – During his first year, he became member of a student organization: Circulo Hispanio-Filipino with regular meetings to discuss political issues – Circulo published a magazine that began arguing for a new brand of Philippine nationalism with the support of Mr. Juan Atayde, a Spaniard born at Maila and a military officer Still in Spain – This period, Rizal began his revolutionary novel “ Noli Me Tangere” – 1884, Juan Luna and Felix Resurrection Hidalgo won first and second prize, respectively in the Fine Arts competition for artists who celebrated different figures on Spanish national expression – June 25, 1884 – Rizal had a toast for triumph that made history when he made his speech that stated that the hold of Spain had over the Philippines was rapidly ending – One of his earliest pronouncements of Philippine nationalism B. Rizal on Masonry – Masonry preaches and practices the sacred principles of liberty, equality and fraternity among all men – Dedicated organization that pointed the abuses of the Spaniards – Helped Rizal’s political reputation – Caused Rizal’s mother sick because of fear that Rizal was not welcome to come home anymore Rizal’s decision – To continue his education – Planned to go to Germany but the family’s economic condition and his own uncertainty about expenses prompted some indecision C. Rizal in Paris and Germany: Advanced Medical Studies – Paciano convinced Jose to move on to study surgery in Germany – The enhancement of his medical knowledge started in Paris in the late July 1885 – Arrived at Juan Luna’s studio on Boulevard Arago near the Palace d’Italie In Paris – His novel : Noli” was half-finished – October 1885 — January 1886 Rizal studied in Paris and took advantage of the Parisian culture. – Perfected his medical knowledge and learned various techniques in eye operation as he studied at the clinic of Dr. Louis de Wecker – He wanted to perfect German method of Diagnosis – Went to Germany(Heidelberg) – Had language problem but studied with the famed German Doctor Otto Becker – Rizal was trained in Vienna as an ophthalmologist and held a professorship at Heidelberg In Germany – Became one of Becker’s best students because of his experience at Wecker’s clinic – Met Ferdinand Blumentritt and became his best friend and teacher – They plotted together for the independent future of the Philippines – They agreed on a common Philippine problem, the role of the friars Ferdinand Blumentritt – Became an advocate of Philippine independence and one of the strongest voices in praise of Filipino culture D. Return to Manila – After studying in Europe and completing his novel, Noli Me Tangere, Rizal prepared to return to the Philippines – Crucial turning point in Rizal’s political life – Finally published the Noli that continued the elements of political thought – Noli was the center of controversy – Was warned by Blumentritt about the church but Rizal wanted to go home – August 1887 — his arrival in the Philippines – Reunited with his family in Calamba, established his eye clinic there but was impossible to work because of the clergy – Rizal was summoned to Gov. Gen. Emilio Terrero y Perinat’s office three weeks after his arrival for a brief discussion – Wrote Blumentritt that everyone wanted him to leave the Philippines – Friars were unhappy about his book, Noli – February 1888, he finally left Manila on a ship to Hongkong – Noli took its toll on Rizal – Had to travel abroad to guarante his intellectual and personal freedom – Was triggered to look beyond and find the sense of the Philippines he was searching for – Settled in London, some time in Hongkong and in Japan – Gov. Gen. Terrero had him watched and the Spaniards closely monitored all of Rizal’s activities – From Japan, he went to San Francisco USA to witness the elements of democracy – In his US travel, he witnessed the barbaric treatment of Americans to other people. He said, “ They do not have the true civil liberty” E. In London – Hoped to continue his mastery of English and to research the origins and content of anotonio de Morgas Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas. This provided a unique vie of the Philippines and had a high level of civilization – He expanded, clarified and translated the work of Morga to demonstrate in great detail the civilized nature of Filipinos – While doing the work, he started working on his second novel, El Filibusterismo. F. Rizal in Biarritz – Rizal had time to think of the Philippine’s future – He did rethink his political ideas – Decided to return to the Philippines – May 1891, he completed his sdecond novel and prepared for its completion G. Road back to the Philippines – October 1891 left Ghent and started his long journey to the Philippines – Believed his books provided the message for Philippine future – Hoped to witness the march of the people toward Philippine independence – Hoped to reunite the revoilutionists – Homesickness for his family – Worried about the pressures received by his family from the friars – Was advised not to go home by Blumentritt but remarked he was not afraid to die. AMA Computer University Life and Works of Dr. Jose Rizal Handout Lesson 6: Biography of Dr. Jose Rizal: Later life Objectives: – Assess the ideological development of Dr. Rizal and his impact on the Philippines – Analyze the different contributions of Dr. Rizal to the Philippines At Home Again – When he was in Europe, he received the sad news of an epidemic cholera affecting Manila- killing thousands of victims by the said scourge – He also learned about the land conflict of his father with the Dominican friars that nearly ruined the family – Rizal finally went home after his five year stint in Europe-Aug. 3, 1887 – He operated his mother’s cataracts-the 1st time the operation was performed in the country – People flocked to Calamba and suddenly Rizal became a famous doctor – Rizal was advised by his friends not to go back to the country due to the impact created by his book NOLI that made him more popular even to the authorities – The government appointed a committee from UST to review the NOLI and it was found “ impious, heretical, or scandalous, ” and that it is “ against doctrine, against the church, against the religious orders, and against the institutions, civil, military, social and political, which the Government of Spain has implanted in these islands”… – A government decree followed, banning the book in the country and any Filipino found with a copy of the NOLI will be punished – This made the book more popular than before – Rizal was invited in Malacañang by Gov. Gen. Emilio Terrero to explain his novel – He told the Gov. General to read the novel first before passing judgment – He was given an escort named Lieutenant José Taviel de Andrade who will be his friend until his death – The Gov. General started an investigation regarding the land issue in Calamba and Rizal asked his people to tell the truth regarding the issue; – He prepared the report and submitted it to Gov. Gen. Terrero – Sadly, the Gov. General did not do anything about it and instead it was used as a trap against Rizal and his family – Jose will be disillusioned by the experience which will change his belief in Spain and its policies – Rizal for the second time left the country for England where he was able to stay for a few days in Japan and U. S. In England – He reached London on May 24, 1888 and he started working on his next project at the British Museum Library – He was busy annotating Morga’s Succesos de las Islas Felipinas (Events in the Philippines-1609) for the next ten months – At the same time, Filipinos in Barcelona and Madrid wanted Rizal to head their next project of creating a new magazine La Solidaridad – Rizal will decline the offer and Graciano Lopez Jaena will be chosen to head the project — Marcelo H. del Pilar and Mariano Ponce were the associate editors; Rizal was elected as honorary president – Rizal will contribute articles in the La Solidaridad- namely, The Philippines A Century Hence, A Letter to the Young Women of Malolos In France – He moved to Paris working on his sequel El Filibusterismo at the French National Library – When Ponce wrote to Rizal of being inspired to write a book about the Filipinos, Our whole aspiration,” he declares, ” is to educate our nation; education, and more education!” – He also organized a society known as Indios Bravos making the Indios native and Spaniard alike proud of themselves – ” Rizal (seated) shared a deep friendship with painter Juan Luna and often agreed to pose for Luna’s paintings as in ‘The Death of Cleopatra.'” – News about his family reached him — his family was being persecuted by the authorities – His brother-in-law Mariano Herbosa died of cholera and he was not given proper burial by the parish priest – He continued to write in La Solidaridad using Laong-Laan and Dimas Alang as pseudonyms – Afterwards he moved to Brussels then Madrid – In August 1890 he reached Madrid where he learned that his family was ejected from Calamba – A year later he decided to go to Hong Kong to be with his family and he plans to establish a Filipino place in Borneo where they can enjoy their lives free from Spanish control but his sister was against it In the Philippines – After hearing Governor General Despujol’s pardon to some Filipino expatriates, he decided to go back to the Philippines – On June 21, 1892, Rizal sailed for Manila, accompanied by his sister Lucia – When they arrived in Manila, authorities who searched their luggage claims that his sister carries with her a seditious writings under her pillowcase. The package included copies of a tract called ” The Poor Friars”, a caustic attack on the Dominicans. – Rizal also creates La Liga Filipina- July 3, 1892 with some distinguished leaders as members. Its constitution named five purposes: 1. To unite the whole Archipelago into one compact, vigorous, and homogenous body. 2. Mutual protection in every grievance and need. 3. Defense against violence and injustice. 4. Encouragement of instruction, industrial, and agricultural enterprises. 5. The study of reforms, putting them into practice. – Rizal was sent to Dapitan as an exile in July 1892 – He continued to his practice as a doctor and tried his best to uplift the life in Dapitan – He created a small informal school for boys and a hospital for the people in Dapitan – He met Ms. Josephine Bracken who accompanied her adoptive father Taufer, a blind patient – In May 1896, Andres Bonifacio sent Dr. Pio Valenzuela for an advise about the revolution – On August 1, 1896, Rizal bade farewell to the Dapitan students and neighbors who adored him, and sailed for Manila with his wife and sister – While Rizal was going to Cuba, a cable was sent for him to go back in Manila under the order of Gov. Gen. Ramon Blanco – A revolution broke under the leadership of Andes Bonifacio- August 23, 1896 – He was sent to Fort Santiago prison and a trial awaited him – Gov. Gen. Polavieja replaced Blanco and he further accused Rizal of his writings against Spain – Lieutenant Luis Taviel de Andrade became the legal adviser of Rizal – The Council of War then retired and immediately condemned the prisoner to death ” for the crime of having founded illicit associations and for having incited and promoted rebellion”. – The Governor General thereupon decreed that Rizal should be shot at seven o’clock on the morning of December 30th on Bagumbayan Field ” with the formalities the law requires. ” – He left his poem “ Mi Ultimo Adios” in this lamp The life of Rizal shows how he fought for the Filipino people through peaceful means. He consistently worked for the betterment of his race through education, history, literature, and the projects he created when he was in exile. He was admired by all especially the members of the Katipunan. Sadly, this is also the reason for his execution. But it proves how courageous Rizal is in facing his enemies, accepting his fate without regret. AMA Computer University Life and Works of Dr. Jose Rizal Handout LESSON 7 I. Title : Noli Me Tangere II. Introduction : Jose Rizal’s fame started in 1897 when his book Noli Me Tangere was published. The novel outlined a new form of Philippine nationalism and influenced a new generation of revolutionaries. III. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. review the political ideals/ideologies of Jose Rizal in his novel Noli Me Tangere; and 2. relate to the contemporary society the political ideologies of Jose Rizal encompassed in the said novels. IV. Past Lesson – Jose Rizal: His Later Life V. Content Noli Me Tangere: A Glance [pic] – The title of Rizal’s book Noli Me Tangere means ‘ Touch Me Not’ is a Latin version of words spoken by Jesus to Mary Magdalene after his resurrection from John 20: 13-17 – It was first written in Spain and was published in 1887 in Berlin, Germany – The English translation was originally titled The Social Cancer Below is a letter of the author found in the introductory part of the Noli.. | To My Fatherland: | | Recorded in the history of human sufferings is a cancer of so malignant a character that the least touch irritates it and awakens | | in it the sharpest pains. Thus, how many times, when in the midst of modern civilizations I have wished to call thee before me, now| | to accompany me in memories, now to compare thee with other countries, hath thy dear image presented itself showing a social cancer| | like to that other! | | Desiring thy welfare, which is our own, and seeking the best treatment, I will do with thee what the ancients did with their sick, | | exposing them on the steps of the temple so that every one who came to invoke the Divinity might offer them a remedy. | | And to this end, I will strive to reproduce thy condition faithfully, without discriminations; I will raise a part of the veil that| | covers the evil, sacrificing

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