Essay, 2 pages (500 words)

Advantages of working women essay sample

Today we live in a world when everything is happening and changing at a rapid phase. Our wants have become so complicated that most of us feel, doing one job is not sufficient. In this situation , women should have to work with men by shoulder to shoulder. But the humanity has evolved in a male-centered, patriarchal society; men were always the main suppliers of food and money, and women were always the ones who had a duty to look after the fire and children. That means that females were dependent on men financially and lost their financial support as a consequence separation, divorce, death or their partner’s loss of employment. They state that work is harmful for female’s health, family life, and that women are in general worse workers. Or there are two different points of view about women working.

Women may be important, powerful, and influential, but it seems that, relative to men of their age and social status, women everywhere lack generally recognized and culturally valued authority. Body:

A. It is perhaps a known fact that earlier the womens were not given more prominence and were not exposed to the outer world. But today due to the rapid increase in the technology the scenario has changed completely. Women have been empowered today. a. They can make friendships in their working area and enjoy their time. b. They get to help their community by working for their government and country to become more successful. c. They get money of their work and can spend it on whatever things they want. B. The home is where a wife can provide the best expressions of love for her husband. It is where she teaches and guides and sets a godly example for her children. a. woman is the manager of the house, and if she isn’t around, the housemaid would have freedom to do anything she wants. Also, the problem of having housemaids raising the children when the mother is not around. b. The women are always late, especially when they come from work, and not all of the men are patient. Also, when they are needed, you can’t find them c.

No one denies that the woman is a vital part in the society, and sometimes the whole society; she is the mother, the sister, the daughter, the wife and the woman who waggles the cradle with her right hand and the world with her left hand. Women used to be partners of men since the beginning of the world; not only that she used to do the house works but also sewing and taking care of the farm work and the farm animals in addition to many other things necessary for the family. But after the development of economics consumerism became the trend of the society, especially in cities where farming and keeping farm animal is something almost impossible, and with the opening of schools, hospitals, factories, companies and the public sector institutions with the notable decrease of the family income, many women started their professional life outside her house to support her spouse and her family. These days, many women feel that having a job makes them feel better and more powerful.

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AssignBuster. 2022. "Advantages of working women essay sample." October 10, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/advantages-of-working-women-essay-sample/.

1. AssignBuster. "Advantages of working women essay sample." October 10, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/advantages-of-working-women-essay-sample/.


AssignBuster. "Advantages of working women essay sample." October 10, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/advantages-of-working-women-essay-sample/.

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"Advantages of working women essay sample." AssignBuster, 10 Oct. 2022, assignbuster.com/advantages-of-working-women-essay-sample/.

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