Essay, 3 pages (750 words)

A problem of oppositional disorder disease

The disorder that will form the basis of this discussion is oppositional defiant disorder that is a common disorderamong children and adolescents. Oppositional disorder disease is a common health challenge that affects approximately 10% of school age children. The boy child is three times more likely to be affected by the condition by 11% while female at 9%population. This is mainly because there exists differing growth hormones in both male and female population. Children suffering from oppositional disorder disease act without thinking, have tremendous trouble in settling down, and get angry quite easily for no apparent reason(Theule, Germain, Cheung, Hurl, & Markel, 2016).

Children and adolescents who are suffering from oppositional disorder tend to be very much aggressive and thus it is difficult to engage children who are having this condition. It can be considered as a normal childhood behavior especially among the adolescents where it is associated with hormonal changes in an individual during the development stage. Thus in most cases it is assumed which create a very difficult environment under which diagnosis can be made. It is usually detected when child has unique unusual behavior contrary to many children within similar age group. Even though there are variations in children behavior. Children suffering from oppositional disorder tend to have a very difficult time interacting with others since they are not very sure of what they want in life(Ezpeleta, Granero, De La Osa, Penelo, & Domènech, 2012).

Children suffering from the oppositional disorder disease tend to become very difficult to handle as they become restless and resentful to others thus making it difficult for them to concentrate and achieve better performances. Their education life becomes a turmoil due to the inability of a child to perform any significant test as they always seem to be unease with their surrounding and do not listen to anyone. In most cases, parents are not aware of the condition among their children and they are detected when the condition is at advanced stage, which makes it much difficult to manage. The attention deficit disorder does not have cure but can be managed through proper and effective techniques. The performance of children suffering from oppositional disorder tends to decrease as the condition becomes much serious and difficult to handle(Fraire & Ollendick, 2013).

It is very difficult to identify oppositional defiant disorder since in most cases it is usually assumed as a slight variation of child behavior within their social interaction. There are no specific symptoms of the disorder since an individual can have similar traits and is not diagnosed with oppositional disorder. It requires effective monitoring of a child development process thorough review of both cognitive and social wellbeing of a child in order to determine if they have this condition. An underlying positive development process makes it difficult to understand the different behavioral traits that are exhibited by a child within a given social environment. Children especially in their adolescence tend to have complex behaviors that in most cases is assumed as a normal behavioral transition that happens during puberty. This means that it is very difficult to engage a child based on both cognitive and behavioral wellbeing during puberty since many processes are taking place and thus it is very difficult to find the correct assessment of the condition(Pederson & Fite, 2014).

A realistic case

Jake is a fourteen year old who has been having very weird behavior, he always seem restless in class and is ready to pick up fights with his friends without any special consideration of the fact that they have been friends for a long time and reside in the same neighborhood. Recently he was punished and the principal’s office after he challenged his class teacher to a fight and does not want to accept that he is on the wrong. He believes that he is always right. He has been spending a lot of time alone and does not seem to appreciate company anymore. Her parents are not aware of any unique development traits in his behavioral character even though they have been told to monitor his situation by his class teacher. His parent’s think that is just an extreme conduct due to his current development stage and it will soon return to normal and thus there is no big issue about it. Jake has pushed away all his friends even his best friend Tom was not spared. He does not seem to regret his actions since he enjoys every bit when he annoys someone and he does not have a limit regarding his adventures since he does not believe that older people are intelligent that him.

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AssignBuster. 2021. "A problem of oppositional disorder disease." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/a-problem-of-oppositional-disorder-disease/.

1. AssignBuster. "A problem of oppositional disorder disease." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/a-problem-of-oppositional-disorder-disease/.


AssignBuster. "A problem of oppositional disorder disease." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/a-problem-of-oppositional-disorder-disease/.

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"A problem of oppositional disorder disease." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/a-problem-of-oppositional-disorder-disease/.

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